It does make sense: crowding customers out of non-profitable products and push them towards more profitable (and maybe less risky) ones.
I've have never considered the "Free" plan as more than a "teaser" to attract people and get them hooked to the app - and bunq have (and probably rightly so) determined that the Card would be more effective in doing so.
Though to be fair, everyone so far has been grandfathered into their old plans. The take-away so far: You can never sure what they're going to do - you should never count on previous or even today's products, plans or options to be available tomorrow (except what you're currently having).
Sebastian The new travel card, despite the name, is completely useless for my travels to the Netherlands
The irony here is that it's worse accepted than their Maestro card. But then, it isn't called a "Travel Card" for no reason ;) (considering their customer base is still overproportionately Dutch)