@Andreas#144125 How are we on transferring balances to Shortcuts as variable?
@Samzoiets#144180 this is now a thing in bunq 13.2.0: bunq's siri shortcuts do support parameters!
@Andreas#146014 I am already in my sleeping bag in front of the App Store for the update to become available!!!
@Andreas#146014 Am I missing something? I already have a Siri Shortcut that asks me for an amount and then it creates a new transfer in the bunq app. Or am I misunderstanding what @Samzoiets is asking for?
@Roeshimi#146016 I was looking for a way to use my balance as a condition in Shortcuts...
My hero Andreas mad that possible!
@Samzoiets#146017 Ah Gotcha, that's nice indeed. I will try that when the App Store has decided to deliver the update to me as well
@Roeshimi#146016 You can do stuff like “if the balance of an account is more than 100eu, move the difference to my savings account”:
You can then make siri perform this and ask you which bank account to check this for
Glad that I’m an iOS user
@Andreas#146020 FWIW after the update, the Siri switch in the bunq app was turned off. I don't know if that's intentional
@Roeshimi#146030 Not intentional: that info comes from iOS also, so likely an issue in the OS itself
@Andreas#146020 These types of shortcuts are pretty useful in emptying accounts at the end of the month, if you want to do that. OK it's still triggered manually, but it's something :)
@Roeshimi#146034 You should be able to trigger them automatically on certain dates I think using the Automation tab in Shortcuts
@Andreas#146020 Holy cow 🐮... mindblowing ! 👌
@Andreas#146035 Even better :) I did not dive into this too much yet.