Hi all!
Since I’m spending quite a bit more time on my computer due to a certain virus spreading around, I had some time on my hands to think of nice suggestions for the bunq app. So here goes:
Many of us love bunq for a number of reasons: the feature loaded app, the ideology, the colourful cards and of course the community! In the past year I have noticed other banks have made changes to their apps, attempting to follow the footsteps of innovative leaders like bunq. In my opinion bunq is still the unbeaten king when it comes to features, however, there are some things where other banks are catching up fast…
One of these things is the design of their app. In many ways bunq still has the prettiest, coolest and most intuitive app. However, there are certain aspects where bunq (in my opinion) could improve. One of these things is the account overview. I think bunq’s app is beautiful, but I sometimes find the large icon- and text size to be somewhat limiting my experience. I would personally prefer to have smaller icons and text so I can have a quick overview of my bank accounts!
To offer some constructive feedback, I have thought of some ideas to revamp the account overview to do just that: create a nice and quick overview, and the freedom to arrange accounts just how you like!
My ideas are:
- Allows users to create containers. Containers are ‘folders’ that users can name whatever they like. They can then drag and drop the accounts into that ‘container’. A practical examples would be a container called ‘Savings Accounts’. Users can simply drag and drop several savings accounts into the container, keeping them grouped together, as well as seeing the total amount of money saved in that container. This can also be done with ‘Shared Accounts’, ‘Hobby Accounts’, or whatever the user wishes to group!
- Make the account icons and text smaller. I personally much prefer to see more accounts, even if that makes the overview look a little less spacious. I understand this bring some challenges, for example: potential limitations in account name length, not being able to show card names etc.
- Move the large ‘scan’ (and potentially the pay and request) button(s) to smaller buttons at the right top. This is something I personally prefer, but I can also understand this may be a bit too much for most users, as this is a feature they use a lot.
To illustrate my ideas, I have taken the liberty to make a few mock ups. Now, I’m not a designer, so my mockups aren't the prettiest, don’t look so colourful and have some dummy names. It’s purely to illustrate how (I personally believe) the accounts tab can provide a better overview of your accounts!
Would like to hear what others think of this 😊!
1st mockup (pay, request and scan button moved):
2nd mockup (pay and request button where they were, but a little smaller):