bunq Als jullie de blokkade niet van mijn rekening halen voor morgenochtend 11 uur sta ik bij mijn advocaat
I have one slot free. If you are interested send €0.01 with your e-mail address to: https://bunq.me/dmuehlbaPack
Daniel Hey Daniel, kannst du mich Mal bei Telegram anschreiben oder mir deine Telefonnummer geben 😅
A spot opened up again, if you pay €0,01 to https://bunq.me/peterspack and mention your email and/or phone number, I’ll add you. And you’ll even get your €0,01 back ;-)
Peter I send you the 0,01 cent. Can you let me know if I was in time..name was djvansoele...
A spot has opened up in a pack please send €0.01 to https://bunq.me/zim1992 with your email.
Corjan I sent you the 0,01 cent to join
DJvansoelen Hi, (un)fortunately the spot has been filled. I’ve refunded your cent :)
Peter Thanks Peter
DJvansoelen Yeah I received it I will make a bunq pack soon
Ik heb nog een slot vrij in mijn Bunq Pack. Bij interesse betaal aub 1 cent via https://bunq.me/marceta met je emailadres of telnr I have one slot free. If interested, please pay 1 cent via https://bunq.me/marceta and mention your mail/phone number.
I have one slot open in my pack. If you're interested please send me an email: foibshopg0w@opayq.com
Colin Hab dir eine E-Mail (Anfrage) geschickt. LG
Hey, i'm looking for a spot in a pack. Who has one available ?
Bij mij is er een plek vrij gekomen. De eerste die 1 cent overmaakt met vermelding van contactgegevens voeg ik toe na betaling eerste maand. https://bunq.me/davejansen
I've got a free spot. First one to pay 1 cents and send me their contact details will be added to the pack after the first €5 payment. https://bunq.me/davejansen
Hallo, ich habe einen Platz frei. Bunq.me/he
Loek Open up Together in a web browser (together.bunq.com) and log-in. Then you can edit and delete posts.
My open spots are gone.
Ik heb 2 plekjes vrij, geïnteresseerd?: maak 1 cent over naar https://bunq.me/Loek met je contact-info and ik voeg je toe! (Got 2 slots open, interested?: please transfer 1 cent to https://bunq.me/Loek with your contact-info and I will add you!)
I have two spot free (€5/month) in my pack. And.... gone....