The + button on the me page is literally useless now.
I would like the button to have options like:
- Pay: make a payment
- Request: make a payment request
- Plan: schedule a payment.
- Tap and pay
We are on the ME page, these are arguably the three main (primary) things one can do with my bank account.
Right now the + button on the me page is an AD it has these options:
- get supergreen card: i don't want it
- open a bussines account: i don't have a bussines
- Joint account: i dont need or want a joint account
the list goes on, the weird thing to me is that a lot of primary features are not on the primary button.
But lesser used features like opening a joint account are on the main page on the main button.
To me this is very weird, who opens a joint account every other day? All the current options could be hidden in another menu.
I hope you take this feedback to heart because for me it makes no sense at all.
PS: please stop the upselling, i have the bunq service that i want, if want to upgrade or change anything ill find it, no need to try and sell it to me everywhere in the app.