When you want to pay someone you have an in app. But this functionality lacks on the request page. It would be nice if it was implemented on both pages.
Pascal Can you tell us which steps you are taking? I just used the "Payment" button as well as the "request" button and both times I see the calculator bar.
Roeshimi Ah blijkbaar heb ik de verkeerde link gelegd. Als je binnen een rekening op request of pay drukt is daar geen calculator. Op het rekening overzicht zit deze wel achter de knoppen.
Pascal Hi Pascal, I think I still dont quite understand what you mean. I always get a calculator when I press Pay of Request... regardless if i'm in the general account screen of in a specific account.
John Do Wow this is weird. As I wanted to record my screen, the calculator is not showing anywhere... See [red. removed personal information]
Pascal I Pascal, lets me ask around about this. You use Android with a specific keyboard app? I would recommend you to delete the video because it contains personal information, dont know I you realized that.
Oh I did not realize that. I use a oneplus 3 with SwiftKey.