Has the option to order a virtual mastercard debit been removed?
Craig Since V3, all new virtual cards are Travel Cards (Mastercard Credit). You can still order regular physical Mastercard Debit and use them for online purchases, of course.
Are you only able to order one physical master card debit?
Craig You can order as many as you want. With the easyMoney and easyGreen plans, the first 3 cards (of your choice, it could be all Mastercard Debit) are included for free. But you can always order more for additional monthly fees according to the Pricing Sheet.
Edit: I see now what you probably mean! You cannot order any new Mastercard Debit at the moment through the app. The supply shortage probably hasn't be resolved just yet: https://twitter.com/bunqsupport/status/1329389652277678081
Wondering what rapid means in this case. It has been around a month.