Hello Bunq(ers),
Note: I authenticate using OAuth.
Earlier I recieved a 500 error when a user who authenticated using OAuth, when having a joint account and calling /monetary-account. I psoted earlier about this, but without any response. Now I started testing joint accounts agauin, but unfortunately, ran into problems.
I can confirm that after removing the connection / joint-account, the 500-error was no longer popping-up. It might be interesting to note that this user also has a savings-account, which is not fetched from the API when calling /monetary-account.
When I test the endpoints using postman, i do recieve all three accounts when calling /monetary-account, although the joint-account is listed as "MonetaryAccountBank", as if it was an account of mine, but with the alias of another user.
A call to /monetary-account-joint does not yield any results, where as the joint account is returned when calling /monetary-account-bank. For saving accounts, this is implemented correctly, but for joint accounts, it looks like there are some problems...
Note that in the following post: https://together.bunq.com/d/1506-api-support-for-joint-accounts
it was confirmed that joint accounts have been added to the API.
I am looking forward to your response.
With kind regards,