⚡️What’s new in App Update 16.2
Hey bunqers! 🌈
We’ve rolled out a new update to our app that includes small new improvements and features that will continue to keep your life easy 🙌
What’s new:
Favorite contacts are now called Pinned Contacts. You can add your loved ones as Friends and always have their accounts handy, or choose Saved Contacts for accounts you don’t use that often, but still want memorized by the app.
You can now hide your Cards, bunq.me or Total tiles from your Home screen.
After selecting a preferred sub-account, you now have the option to upload a file, like an invoice or a XML, and make a payment from it. Simply find this in your MENU.
We've added a pre-filled message when sharing your bunq.me request through your favorite apps.
We’ve improved all flows starting from your Home screen, for consistency and easier use.
What’s fixed:
Sometimes you couldn’t link a personal card to your Business account. That’s fixed now!
When spreading the love and inviting your friends to bunq by email, you would send it without a subject line. Fixed that.
When checking your Savings Goal, the amount wouldn’t always show without checking Settings. It’s all good now!
What’s new 🌈
New pre-filled message when sharing a bunq.me request with your favorite apps!
Favorite contacts are now called “Pinned Contacts”. You can add Friends as your closest contacts, or Saved Contacts for accounts you don’t use that often.
QR Loyalty Cards can now be used!
What’s fixed 🔨
Add payments to an open Activity only. Previously, the app showed your closed ones too.
Sometimes you couldn’t link a personal card to your Business account. Fixed!
For these and other improvements, update your app today! 🌈
Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks!
Want to learn more?
Explore more bunq knowledge here 🌈