I tried to use API: {{host}}/v1/user/{{user_id}}/monetary-account using User Sandbox,
But I get``` { "Error": [ { "error_description": "Insufficient authorisation.", "error_description_translated": "Insufficient authorisation." } ] }
Elky Hi!
Are you using the Postman collection to test this?
yes thats correct
Elky You've created a sandbox user via "Test users" > "Create a sandbox user .."? And after this "API context" > "Create installation" > "Add the device" > "Add a session"?
It works using PRD key..
btw I'm using Company Sandbox account. Does a company has a monetary-account?
Elky Looks like there are some issues with the company sandbox user, can you maybe test it with a personal sandbox user?
Done this: And after this "API context" > "Create installation" > "Add the device" > "Add a session"? personal sandbox use works fine.. Whats the issue with the comapny sandbox user?