Hi, there is a way to export transaction ONLY for ONE SINGLE CUSTOMER/CLIENT and FOR A SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME?
I need to send SPECIFIC expenses to my Accountant, but I don't want to send ALL OF MY EXPENSES! only the one that I need.
@Santre#224470 You can create a statement of a single transaction. Maybe that's an option?
@pbruins84#224473 hum..how? still dont get it... i i tried but the app export ALL my transactions...
so if i have 20 transaction i have to create 20 separated document????? cmon
@Santre#224476 No reason to get angry with Peter ;) But yeah, these are your options. Of course if it's just your accountant, you could always just make an export to CSV, open that up in Excel or spreadsheet software of your choice and filter out the transactions that you want quite quickly.
@Jakob-Y#224480 Mmm.... and is not handy an also quite complicated.... I will create hundred of different pdf then....probably is faster. Thanks.