Kann Ich bunq als meine Haupt Konto meine Bank benutzen? in dem ich meine Bank kündige und nur die Bunq Nutze…gibt es bei Bunq so was wie Konto Wechsel von Bunq veranlassen…wie kann ich das ganze von App machen.
Johannes. DE-(GE)🇩🇪 Hi 🖐, certainly you can use bunq as your primary or solely bank. I am based in NL and I use bunq as my only bank. No issues. In Germany you can also get local IBAN which makes it even easier to get all vendors accepting your local IBAN. There is also the Automatic Switching bank service for Germany. Take a look at this bunq document, all the info are there to activate the automatic switching service: 🌈 https://together.bunq.com/d/15793-bank-switch-service-now-available-for-our-german-bunqers/2
Have a great day. Regards GG
GG Vielen Dank für die schnelle Antwort 👍👏