adrienn Hi, this is the public community forum. We're not bunq employees here, just other users like yourself. At bunq, you do everything by yourself through the app. Ordering a card only takes a few taps, and you can select exactly what kind of card you want.
I don't know anything about your situation, what you're doing right now, what kind of problems you're experiencing, what you're trying to accomplish, or what card you want or need right now. If you have any questions that you feel the community might be able to help with, feel free to clarify and we'd be glad to help you. If you need to speak with bunq about anything in particular, then you can contact them through the in-app support chat.
Just to give you the most basic information: bunq offers both Mastercards and Maestro cards. You can use the Mastercard everywhere that Mastercard is accepted. And you can use the Maestro card everywhere Maestro is accepted.