Completely agree with this, on numerous occasions I ran into this wish. Bunq is so flexible with the ability to open lots of different bank accounts for different purposes, making this feel like a real limitations. Especially considering non-bunqers can create a different for each IBAN they have!
Example 1: My daughter changed her page to a donation page for her robotics club, for which she created a new IBAN to keep the funds separate. Works great! But now she can't use her previous personal link anymore.
Example 2: Our family members play in 3 different hockey teams. For each team, the Whatsapp group is filled with numerous Tikkies or Rabo/ING request. They expire after X payments, are annoying to create, etc. I'd love to create a separate IBAN for each team and a matching, easy to remember link. Not only would this be easier for everyone, it would instantly advertise to lots of families.
I get the argument for preventing abuse, but why not let premium members have up to 5 links and free users just 1?