@Roeshimi#50024 Hi Michael, great questions regarding the pain points. I personally have found (or adapted) a workaround for most of the points.
I will give a brief summary of your points but feel free to reach out if you have more specific questions!
1. How do you track/handle cash spending? Here in Germany, there are still way too many places where you need cash. Of course, I could take just the amount I need from the ATM, but that is very inflexible.
I do 99% of spending digital (benefit of living in The Netherlands as you can pay almost everywhere by card). I have, however, a separate account for spending money without a specific purpose. I use this account to withdraw cash if necessary. If I need to pay a larger sum of money I withdraw this amount also from this "cash/fun money account" but send a request to the budget account where the money should have been originated to keep track and make sure to keep budgets and spending in check.
2. How do you handle upcoming/uncleared transactions? I find it very convenient to see transactions coming up in YNAB and budget accordingly. I have not found a way to replicate that in bunq. Of course, I could schedule recurring transactions, but I also buy stuff and have to pay via invoice. In YNAB I can enter a transaction and pay when the package arrives, but that's not possible in bunq.
This cannot be replicated with bunq and at first, I missed having this kind an overview. I have however moved to a different system where I just fill each "budget category" (separate account) with what I expect is necessary to cover a regular month. Any unexpected stuff is covered by balancing the total monthly account balance (and I have a "Stuff I forgot to budget for"-account as a backup).
This, of course, does not cover one-off infrequent invoices but for this l use two separate accounts. First one for (regular Visa) credit card and I also have a second account where I reserve invoices. For credit card purchases and invoices due in the future* I "reserve" the money by transferring it from the proper budget account.
3. As long as the MasterCard re-routing or equivalent technology is back, I can't really switch to bunq because I would have to either switch cards before every purchase or move money around after I have made a purchase.
This is where using bunq for budgeting is a bit inconvenient. As a workaround, I have one account for recurring expenses (automatic transfers and invoices) and leave one MasterCard permanently linked to this account (basically rendering it quite useless for anything else). Sometimes this MasterCard is charged for something else and I just make sure the balance is restored by sending a request to the proper account.
I would like to order a second MasterCard to improve this workaround (as I have noticed that I only use one Maestro and just switch accounts via the bunq app if necessary). With two MasterCards I would use one for spending and one for recurring expenses, which would be good enough for me.
Although being able to re-route MasterCard payments to specific accounts is very, very welcome!
* If payment is way in the future I just reserve the money on a savings account separate from bunq.
Hope this gives an overview of my system and will be of any help!