Vincent The company operates worldwide and is not being able to receive USD/GBP/AUS if we continue the transition to Bunq.
This is not true, bunq is active in the European Econimic Area, but the cards should work worldwide. There’s a difference between the two. bunq dreams of going to the USA, the CEO is not making a secret out of that, but there’s an insane amount of paperwork involved, even the Dutch banking permit was a big thing to achieve. If it was that simple to offer USD accounts bunq would do so. But we, as outsiders, can only see the tip of the iceberg. That bunq only accepts Euros might indeed be a bottleneck for some companies, luckily everyone can inform themselves before signing up such that they sign up with the service that fits their needs best. Things like no foreign currencies / foreign currency payments are mentioned plethora of times on the forum. (I believe also in the T&C/pricing sheet). Not offering Business accounts is a bridge too far; many companies are happy with the current offerings. So, balance the pro’s and con’s and decide whether bunq is suitable for your needs, if you operate globally and deal with multiple currencies I can completely imagine that bunq is not for you at this stage. 👍