Nice addition! I like having the option of generating interest. While the absence of investments and thus interest was one the main reasons why I chose bunq, it's also a reason for people I recommend bunq to not to choose it. But I agree with the others here that exactly because it was one of your unique selling points, the options shouldn't be activated by default now.
Like David I also think the the information you give about the options (unless there is more than these few sentences you get when you click on the links in the article above) is not enough to make an informed decision. On a side note, the paragraph for government bonds starts with an interesting sentence : "As one of our investment options you can choose...", while it's not a choice...
All of this is information is given in a fairly small update, but I think it actually has pretty big implications for bunq as a bank (although I'm no expert on this matter). Bunq's monthly fee is a little higher than other online banks, like Knab for example (fortunately the experience is also a lot better in my opinion). But compare it to traditional banks and and the price difference for a bank account is even bigger (but here again, bunq offers a superior experience and better features). So while I still think bunq premium offers good value, one of the reasons that I really didn't mind paying more for my bank account, is that I saw bunq as a tech company which doesn't generate income through investments like other banks do. But this doesn't seem to be the case any more. I'm not sure whether I'm really trying to make a point, or that I'm just sharing my thoughts, but I'm interested in what others think about this.
One last thing: I only need to see the welcome screen I get when I tap "My Money" once, as it's not very informational. Or maybe a "don't show this again" checkbox would be just fine. Now it's just a wasted tap before I can make "choices" about my money =)