Currently, the options available to me to schedule payments are too simplistic, don’t offer enough flexibility, and would require me to make multiple different schedules payments to achieve what I need.
As a possible solution, implementing a simplified version of the crontab syntax. An example for the uninitiated can be found here
Minutes and hours are probably irrelevant, and on the other hand Years would be a nice addition to this syntax for banking purposes.
For each of the time units, it would be nice to either select frequency (every 3 months or “*/3”) or every specified month (just January, February and then August, or “1,2,8”.) If you combine this, you could make a schedule as crazy as “every 2nd Monday in the months that are divisible by 5, during every odd year. It’s a simple syntax but it basically covers pretty much most possible combination.
I’m not suggesting you should make users write crontab code, but I think a graphically equivalent implementation of the logical idea behind the system would be absolutely amazing.