"This unfortunately conflicts with the drag-to-reorder gesture on at least iOS 11 :-("
I was already afraid that'd be the case. :( It seems like an odd choice for Apple to program it like that, but then again the rumours are they'll get rid of 3DTouch altogether (I really hope that's not true, I love the feature!) so it might be a sign of the beginning of the end.
I think those are pretty much outside of regular gestures, like the quick-user-switcher. Quick user switching is something that's really helpful for users with multiple accounts (I have a few myself), but personally I kind of doubt the others: I don't think a lot of users go that often to direct debits or planned transactions to add a very hidden shortcut to it.
Fair enough for jumping to planned transactions and such, I understand that it might be more work than what you'd gain in generic for the largest chunk of the userbase. However, I think I disagree with you on the ability to quickly jump to support chat. :) Right now, the way to get to support chat is rather convoluted unless you had a "recent chat". By adding a 3DTouch action, you'd eliminate this hurdle for people who actually know for sure they have to jump to a chat immediately anyway because their question is private or can only be handled by staff. That way, you don't have to add the "Support chat" button back to the profile page per se either as there will be an alternative route, albeit still a bit hidden as to prevent people from always jumping there for convenience sake even when Together could supply the answer. (Although of course I guess this'd be an advantage only to iPhone users with 3DTouch. Still... Would be nice and helpful. :))
Andreasāļø I would love this, but this is currently limited by the way together is implemented partially as a web view (so we can render the HTML in the posts).
Ah I see! Perhaps it could be 'hacked' to load it from together webversion, but that'd probably mess with your integration and stuff like dark mode, so probably unfeasable. Hope that'll change in the future then. :)
I can't seem to get it to work. I get the same as when attempting to force touch on a username, you get the 3 fast haptic feedbacks indicating no 3DTouch action is possible on the external link?
Andreasāļø This should work, but seems like it doesn't anymore on iOS 12! Will investigate!
Thank you! :)