Andreas☀️ Thanks! Did you mean SFSafariViewController instead of WKWebView for peek 'n pop 3DTouch action? (Just in case you filed a bugreport for the wrong thing. :P) Or were you referring to the problem with peek 'n pop + swipe up? Either way, let's hope they fix it in one of the next iOS releases. :)
Oh, I meant the thing with bunq claiming there isn't a browser installed if it cannot find Safari or Chrome (and potentially Firefox Focus) and errors out with a "No browser found. Copy link?" pop-up instead for payment requests and finishing iDeal transactions. (I can then open it through the share extension, but still... Needless error, haha. :P) My browser responds to any app trying to open http:// or https:// links, even apps that claim "Open in Safari" will be handled by this browser instead - as iOS knows where it has to send those requests, iOS itself redirects everything to my default browser. Except for the bunq app, which doesn't appear to even try opening the link if it can't find one of those two browsers. Instead of attempting to open the link, for some reason it appears to scan for browsers and errors out if it can't find the ones it's looking for. I never understood/could figure out why it does that, literally any app works fine with the browser except bunq. :P Imho, the bunq app should only throw that error if iOS errors out that it can't find anything to handle your linktype, which it will if there are truly zero browsers installed.
This is probably rather offtopic though for a 3DTouch topic, if you'd like please feel free to split this topic and move it to its own? (Or do you want me to open a new topic for this specific issue myself? Also fine. :))
Thank you again so much for checking in to this and giving answers. :)