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  • Additional questions about bunq Travel Card

Sander Is this really true? I thought it was said in another thread that the Travel Card is linked to an IBAN, just like the Debit card?

When Apple Pay does eventually get released, will we be able to use it with the travel membership?

    Bade Apple Pay für die bunq Travel Card kommt bis Ende Juli.

    • Bade replied to this.

      Steven Als je een Premium, Business of Joint abonnement hebt is het gewoon een andere betaalkaart. Maar als je een Travel Card abonnement neemt niet. Dan heb je alleen de betaalkaart en geen bankrekening.

      Zie https://www.bunq.com/assets/media/legal/en/20190606_terms_bunq_personal_EN.pdf onderaan bladzijde 5:"We also offer the bunq Travel Card membership, which is not a bunq bank account but simply just gives you the best card to travel the world!"

      En het Free abonnement waar je wel een betaalrekening had (maar geen enkele betaalkaart) kan je nu blijkbaar niet meer afsluiten.

      • F and LvH replied to this.

        Steven it is technically linked to an account number. But you can't use this number like a regular account.

          John Do Interesting repositioning of the lowest tier option for bunq.

          Do you know if it will be possible to share an account with someone on that subscription?

            Steven Hi 👋🏼 Steven, good question. Unfortunately the Connect feature isn't available in Travel Card membership.

              Jeroen 🏳️‍🌈 That explains the earlier information mix up, where some staff said you have to put money ‘on’ the card while others described it as a regular card that can attach to any iban account. It’s both correct 😀🌈

                Is there any form of insurance on purchases with the travel card?

                  Ok, gracias por la información. Si entiendo bien y para concluir:

                  Si tengo domiciliaciones ahora en una cuenta bunq con IBAN, tendría que cambiarlas al pasar al Plan Travel, porqué no trae ninguna cuenta para ello.

                  Si recibo dinero de terceros en ese IBAN como mi nomina, no podré transferirlo a terceros o otras cuentas propias ya que solo se usa con la tarjeta.

                  Estoy en lo correcto en esas dos afirmaciones anteriores?

                  Sé dejará de recibir interés?.

                  Jeroen 🏳️‍🌈 Dat is ook raar eigenlijk. De website zegt:
                  "Alleen eenmalig €9,99 voor de Travel Card zelf. Meer niet. Je krijgt de volledige bunq ervaring zonder maandelijkse kosten."

                  Als er geen rekening(en) bijzit(ten )maar enkel de kaart, dan kan je toch moeilijk stellen dat het de "volledige bunq ervaring" is, of ben ik nou gek? :P (https://www.bunq.com/nl/features/travel-card)

                  Sowieso wel raar eigenlijk. Als je Premium hebt kan je de kaart dus niet gratis krijgen als je al 3 passen hebt (€9 + €3 per maand kost ie dan, dat is €3 meer dan de €0,00 :P), maar als je geen premium hebt kost de kaart €9,99 en daarna betaal je nooit meer iets en is ie gratis. :P Er zit weliswaar geen iDeal en rekeningnummers bij (wat bij Free wel is), maar daar lap je sowieso al voor bij Premium. En dan is het dus ook niet zo dat "everyone" ervan kan genieten zonder extra kosten? :P Het is wat vaag, of misschien interpreteer ik het verkeerd.


                  The €3 monthly fee is only if you have more than three cards active.

                  If you freeze (not block) one of your existing cards, there will be no extra monthly fee as a Premium member

                  • LvH replied to this.

                    Ik schrik eerlijk gezegd een beetje van het bericht ‘Apple Pay pas vanaf eind juli.’ Tenzij de kaart überhaupt pas eind juli beschikbaar is natuurlijk. 😉


                    The travel card is designed as the best card to travel the world, and can not be used as a normal bank account. With that in mind;

                    • Direct Debits will not work with the bunq Travel Card
                    • You can receive money into your account still via an IBAN. You can also withdraw the full balance at once to an IBAN. This is designed so you can take your money back out at the end of a trip.
                    • You can not make payments of other amounts IBAN's.
                    • You will not receive bunq MassInterest on your money

                    Hope that helps!

                    Tom Yes that I'm aware of, but I just think the wording is a bit vague. Plus don't understand why others get it for free. It's not a big issue, don't get me wrong, just don't fully understand the reasoning behind it. I think the confusion is the FAQ topics are speaking of both membership types mixed. Also for example because the bunq app says, if you have 3 cards already, that you can purchase another card "outside of your bunq membership". Then the FAQ says: "For a one-time fee of €9,99 euros, you can purchase the bunq Travel Card outside of a bunq membership". (With the zero fees). But that's not the "outside of membership" the app means when you try to order a fourth card. You can see the difference if you read the headers with proper attention, but at first it can be very confusing - maybe this can be improved a little. :)

                    Two more questions I had:
                    1.) It states withdrawls are €0,99 per transaction. Is that also the case for Premium? (And was this different with the Debit card?)
                    2.) Are they available now? Or are they still a pre-order? :)


                    • Tom replied to this.

                      josemarq That’s a great point, if there is no traditional IBAN associated with the new Travel Plan, then you cannot get payroll to pay into that account? This is a step backwards for the lowest tier plan?

                      Mtouch La tarjeta estará antes, la mía tiene fecha de entrega 19 de junio

                      Ulrich I know that — but they say apple pay is a premium only feature, I’m asking if you can use it (when apple pay is available) with jus the travel plan