Hi Bunq and everyone else.
I have to say that I am really unimpressed by this bogus card that Bunq sold to us as some sort of revolutionary card that will solve all of our travel mysteries.
After trying to use this card during my travels to Madeira and Mexico, I have to say it adds exactly zero value in comparison with the regular debit card.
It's not a traditional credit card as they claim but merely a fancy shiny debit card that does exactly the same thing as the debit card and nothing else.
If you go rent a car like I did in Madeira and Mexico, you need to leave a deposit that can sometimes be as high as €1,500. If you had a credit card with a spending limit of €2.000 for example, you could put this deposit on your credit card and continue using your bank balance for your holidays expenses. With this travel card, however, as is explained in the fine print, you need to have the entire amount in your bank balance at the time and it will be frozen for the duration of your rental, meaning you won't be able to spend this money otherwise.
You're better off getting yourself an Amex and just using this card for your travel needs than falling for this glorified debit card. I think it's a joke.