but the case is pretty clear-cut.
Agreed. I'm not denying that this is clearly stated in your T&Cs. I've just been unaware of this until now.
The bunq T&C is indeed not born out of Portuguese law
Indeed. This is not the point I was making.
not of the size of the big European banks
I'm not sure I agree with this narrative as a rationale for not allowing freelancers (that don't work through an entity) to use a personal account.
as you seem like you really want to be a customer
It's extremely inconvenient to now have to find an alternative solution - which I'd rather not have to do.
That doesn't mean that anything is wrong with your business
Of course there isn't - I know there is nothing wrong with what I'm doing.
I understand what you are saying, and of course you need to represent bunq from your perspective. My message mainly came out frustration around being instructed to apply for a business account, due to evidently violating T&Cs. I then tried to do the "right thing", only to have my application for a business account rejected.
From everything you have said, I'm still not really seeing the rationale for not allowing a freelancer to be paid into a personal account once per month. Looking at an earlier post on this thread, it looks like you actually used to allow this with a "premium" personal account, but now no longer do. So this is actually something you have supported in the past with personal banking, albeit at a higher fee.
I generally like the bunq platform. It has some great features I've not seen from other neobanks. I'm just disappointed with the fact that freelancers in my situation are not, in my view, being fairly represented by your T&Cs. I feel like this is more about the higher monthly fee that business accounts incur than anything else.