@Ali#112823 I’ve always felt a slight irritation when certain bunq users requested bunq to come up with different colors on the cards. Their argument is always “I don’t have anything against gays but I don’t want to be associated with gay colors”.
First of all: the LGBTQ flag has a different color scheme. Educate yourself!
Second: bunq’s colors, to me, represent diversity, fairness, freshness, variety and uniqueness.
Third: THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with being gay, lesbian, transgender, bisexual, asexual, queer, straight or whatever you choose to be!
What happened is horrible and I hope the victim will recover quickly without any remaining physical and (maybe even more important) mental consequences.
I’m a proud gay man, a proud member of the LGBTQ community and a proud bunq user. And although these are not directly related I do feel that bunq supports people in being what they are: human.
Thank you Ali, thank you dear bunqers and thank you all bunq users for choosing bunq and that way choosing a different way of banking.
Violence will never prevail, we shall resist with love.