• Knowledge
  • A message of Love

Please don’t get me wrong. The intent of sharing the Facebook post was not to say that this is fake news or not. If this did happen, this was a shameful act but if there is a way to confirm the news so that we can all agree to facts.
In today’s world, people generalise behaviour of a few people to the entire country, race etc and that is what I think we should try to avoid under these circumstances.

    Mijn dochter had hetzelfde in juni in turkije. Er werd haar gevraagd of ze gay was. En waarom ze zo een gay bankpas had. Gelukkig was haar niks aangedaan.

    Oui faites l'amour ,pas la guerre...prompte rétablissement à cette personne!

      Stefan The is no political statement in bunqs card design besides: a happy colorful world. That’s not politics, it’s just optimism, joy and happiness. If you prefer a dull card there are plenty of other (online) banks. [...]

      đŸ‘źâ€â™‚ïž Sander: removed promotion of other parties

        Arjan Current year a rainbow is not a political statement... Just joy an happiness. Noted...

        As for switching: From a personal safety vantage point, that seems like a reasonable thing to do. Since Bunq seems uninterested.
        I do however like Bunq as a service. But yeah, might just have to do that if I go travelling outside woke Western Europe.

        Thanks for the tip as well, [...]

        đŸ‘źâ€â™‚ïž Sander: removed content promoting competitor

          Unfortunately we live in a world where homophobia and bigotry are as real as intolerance and ignorance. I feel sorry that this has happened to him and acknowledge his willingness to move on, onto happier things. There is beauty in the world, too!

          Mahatma Ghandi said: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." He would have been a Bunq customer of the first hour then he loved the rainbow and wouldn't get tired to say that we are all one and the same... he preached love and higher understanding - and for doing THAT they killed him?!

          Thumbs up to the Bunq management and community for being there. A positive attitude is always the best. Kill them with kindness... turn sh*t into flowers! đŸ§¶

            J’espùre qu’il va bien

              Cosa mi tocca sentire....mah...spero stia bene....

                Bon rĂ©tablissement ,j’attends ma carte pour les jours qui arrive .....

                  Sind wieder Menschen die auf Regenbogen Farben gucken

                    R Unfortunately you are right. I'm traveling quite often in Africa and I experienced the same. The approach towards rainbow colors in Africa are associated with homosexuality and this latter isn't tolerated at all. For my own security, I only paid once with my bunq travel card and I'm using other card from another bank instead. This whole issue is sad.

                    • Heda replied to this.

                      Op dit moment ben ik voor de vierde keer in Rusland en heb er eigenlijk nooit bij stil gestaan dat die kleuren op een bankpas dat kunnen oproepen bij mensen. Maar ik heb in Moskou, Kazan en Yoshkar-Ola ook nog nooit vragen of rare gezichten of iets dergelijks gezien bij het gebruik van m'n bunq pas. Nu had ik wel iedere keer m'n vriendin naast me staan. Het enige wat ik gemerkt heb is dat de Meastro kaart niet altijd werkt, maar de Mastercard debit kaart werkt tot nu toe overal zonder problemen.

                        B Never thought about this at all. But now that people keep talking about it I realized that the design of the bunq cards probably isn’t ideal. I’ve got many reactions when paying with my bunq card and thinking about it now I get what those „reactions“ where about. Since I am traveling to Russia a lot I think it is a smart idea to no longer use my bunq card.

                        Maybe bunq should really consider to change the design of the cards. If the card design is a problem bunq needs to do something about it. Yes bunq is the bank of the free and all about love but if I need to be careful when paying with my rainbow card because it offends other people and provokes certain reactions the bank of the free feels not so free anymore.

                        Wait, wut??? Are some people really suggesting that bunq should listen to those who hate and deprive others of their freedom?

                        Especially when the bunq card is just colourful and has nothing to do with the rainbow flag, this seems rather over the top.

                        When you don’t feel save with the bunq card, I suggest you place a sticker over the coloured side of the card, but by no means suggest that all of us should be deprived from the happy colours on our cards.

                        To quote Van Randwijck: Een volk dat voor tirannen zwicht, zal meer dan lijf en goed verliezen. Dan dooft het licht.

                          Sam đŸ‡łđŸ‡±đŸ‡ŹđŸ‡§ Niemand möchte die farbenfrohe Karte wegnehmen.
                          Manche wĂŒnschen sich lediglich Alternativen.
                          Ein Aufkleber halte ich fĂŒr keine sonderlich professionelle Lösung.
                          Zumal es passieren könnte, dass die Karte abgelehnt wird, wenn man damit bei einem HÀndler zahlen möchte.

                          Und nur aus Protest auf die bunte Karte zu bestehen, halte ich in manchen Situationen auch nicht fĂŒr sinnvoll.
                          SpÀtestens dann nicht, wenn man in Russland oder Indien aufs Maul bekommt und angegriffen wird.
                          Wir werden die Kultur in diesen LÀndern nicht Àndern können. Leider.

                            Wer die meiner Ansicht nach schöne bunq Karte an machen Orten nicht einsetzten mag, kann sich auch die [...] holen und dort eine bunq Karte hinterlegen.

                            đŸ‘źâ€â™‚ïž Sander: promotion of third parties, name removed

                              I'm new to bunq. I still haven't even received my cards. But the first person I showed the card design to in the app was a Brazilian friend, and his first reaction was asking if this was a Pride special design or something like that.

                              I am trying bunq as a candidate for my main bank because of its features and API, not because of its colourful design. Even thou I like the cards a lot, I understand that some people might feel uncomfortable or unsafe using them in some places. Sad but true.

                              So giving users a choice wouldn't hurt. Instead of going black or metal like every other bank, bunq could simply offer the choice of solid colour cards in any of the 12 colours used on its logo. You already offer so many customisations on card description, icons on the app etc... shouldn't be so difficult, right?

                                Heda I'm sorry but the design is not a problem, people 'offended' by it are a problem. Also, you're not offended by a freaking card, you're just [...].

                                đŸ‘źâ€â™‚ïž Sander: watch your language!

                                  Gaston You should watch your mouth. 🙄

                                  The design becomes a problem if people get „offended“ by it. You can’t change all people’s minds and you can’t change other countries culture. Just look at Nike for example. They designed a shoe that offended Muslims all over the world. What did Nike do? They said „screw you Muslims it’s your problem if you get offended by it“. Right? Oops sorry it was the other way around. Muslims were angry and Nike apologized and discontinued that design. That’s what every sane person would do. But you would suggest that Nike was right and shouldn’t have listened to the Muslims instead Muslims should stop and change right?

                                  Companies should deliver good products and try to stay out of politics. Same goes for banks. If you want a rainbow card it’s fine. But you can’t force everyone to think the same way you do.

                                    Heda It was an expression and wasn't directed towards you.

                                    However - these days screaming 'I am offended' seems like an excuse to get things the way you want it if you don't like it. Offended is a feeling - completely subjective, what're you gonna do about it? You can't force policy from a company or government for the sole reason that you 'feel offended'. You don't think I see things I don't like, or am offended about? I do, but I am not crying about it.

                                    If you get offended by a rainbow card, don't use it - it's as easy as that. Again, it's not the design that's a problem, it's the people. Also the Nike example is completely irrelevant since it's an entirely different story. For starters, it's because it concerns an international product sold in all markets, while bunq is Dutch-European.