• Using Siri Shortcut Parameters

It is now possible to use Parameters in Siri Shortcut with your bunq app (13.2.0 or later). This allows you to even further automate your bunq account in a simple way and save time. Here are some examples of things you can do:

  • Move everything above €100 at the end of the month from your main account to your savings account.
  • Ask Siri to switch your card to another account and it will ask you which account to switch to.
  • Create a shortcut to switch to another account when reaching a certain balance.
  • Perform certain actions only if the balance of an account is above a threshold.

How does it work?

  1. Add a Get Account item, so we can select a bank account: we can either preselect one or make Siri ask us which account
  2. Add a Show Balance item. Tap on the Bank Account placeholder and select Select Magic Variable
  3. Then, tap on the blue Bank Account item: this makes the Show balance item use the bank account we selected in step 1.
  4. Add an "If" item. Shortcuts should automatically have linked the Balance output of the "Show Balance" item to this item. If not, do it using the same "Magic Variable" step as in 2 and 3.
  5. Set your predicate: is greater than 100
  6. Add a Maths Calculation item inside of the IF item. Link the balance as the input and operation as - 100. The output of this item is everything above the balance.
  7. Add a Top Up item: make sure the Source Account is linked to the Bank Account magic variable and the Destination Account to your Savings Account (or, alternatively you can have Siri ask for where to transfer it).
  8. You're done! Make sure to save the shortcut by giving it a name. You can schedule it using the "Automation" tab in Shortcuts.

    This is perfect! Too bad it only works for iOS but this is exactly the vision I had imagined. Keep on expanding!

      @Andreas#146039 No Way! This is what I was waiting for! An amazing IFTTT!!! Thank Bunq and Thanks Andreas for meantioning! I'm so excited, now you can finally make money managing fun and conventient!

      Thank bunq!

      why don't they shout this from the rooftops? This is so amazing in comparison to conventional banks!

        @Andreas#146039 Great work thank you. One quick follow-up question though: When I built that, I also had to add the magic variable "Result of calculation" into the "Amount" field in step 7. Otherwise Siri only showed me a 0 Euro transfer. Is that not the case for you?

          @Roeshimi#146045 Good point. Sometimes shortcuts does it automatically but sometimes not

            @Andreas#146046 "It just works" ;)

              @Andreas#146046 Jokes aside, I just created a shortcut that makes sure my Groceries account always has 300€ in it. Awesome stuff :)

                Ive been plying for a while with the options. I found a away you can automatically set the account your card withdraws from when you come at a location.

                In my case I made (and succesfully tested) a function where my card automatically changed to my groceries account the moment I come near the Albert Heijn (my sueprmarket) via geolocation. Amazing!!!! Thanks bunq!
                It as well works with changing it back when you leave somewhere.

                  @ReinieR-Together#146092 Nice. I've found geolocation triggers to be pretty unreliable for me, but that's not bunq's fault :)

                    @Roeshimi#146093 Ah sad to hear that, for me it always works (as long I've got my phone not in battery safe mode).
                    I used it for a long time for home automation :)

                      I notice the images of accounts aren’t shown when runnen the shortcuts... that did worked before tho 🤔

                        @JohnDo#146099 I believe you seperately have to choose the function “show card”. Otherwise I dont see it either.

                          @ReinieR-Together#146110 I know, I see the window ... bit not with my image

                            @JohnDo#146099 That’s a small bug if you leave user to currently logged in user. Will be fixed soon! In the meantime, you can explicitly select a user to resolve that

                              @Andreas#146112 thanks man! Your workaround works!

                                I have some fun with #bunq Shortcuts:

                                • automatically assign my card for 10 min to my transport jar when I arrive at my local gas station.

                                • assign my Green Card 💳 for 15 min to my coffee ☕️ jar when I open the Nespresso app

                                • transfer €0,50 to my Auto Save account every time I press snooze on my alarm.

                                • when I tap a picture frame 🖼 (with a NFC sticker) the the balance of my Auto Save account pops up. The lights in our living room will turn red for one second when the balance is below a certain point.

                                Ow boy... cool stuff 👌 🌈

                                  Ok I was enjoying this Siri Shortcuts for a few minutes. I set up a few Automations to have a certain card switch accounts upon arriving at certain places. Looked great. Worked great for the first few. But now when I try to set up more that should do the same the only option I get is: “ask all the time?” When I try to select the card and account. Very frustrating. Am I missing something?

                                    @Andreas#146039 YOU

                                    ‘ve been nagging Andreas since the start of shortcuts support for this and he’s been ever so patient and polite in answering my questions. He (and maybe others) finally made some IFTTT-functions possible. A wish has come true for me. I’m so happy with this.

                                    Been fiddling around last night and can’t wait to see what magic we can accomplish with this. So please share your automations with us!

                                      I don’t know if it’s a bug or if Siri is just stupid as hell.
                                      When I try to run a Siri shortcut all Siri says is sorry there seems to be a problem. And then gives an option to open bunq. So after opening the app then the Siri shortcut will work. Defeats the purpose doesn’t it.

                                        @Robert-Silver-Turtle-4265395482#146160 In the Shortcut options, choose your username instead of the pre-configured „Logged in user“.