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  • Are you asked for a survey?


Soooo Bunq, I am really angry about the changes you've done to subscriptions, but could you at least share with us the data of the poll?
You keep mentioning that in every reply. We need transparency and the data:

  • how many voted
  • how many of them are bunq users
  • how much time has that poll been opened for

Please answer those questions so we stop with all the angry comments.
I really think we deserve AT LEAST that!

    @Matteo-Indigo-Akita-2429416581#154192 Hallo Matteo,

    teilt uns doch einmal bitte transparent folgende Daten mit:

    1. An wie viele Bunq Nutzer wurde eine Einladung zur Teilnahme an der Umfrage verschickt.
    2. Wie viel Nutzer hat Bunq insgesamt?
    3. Wie viele Nutzer haben an dieser Umfrage teilgenommen.

      @freakyaxel#154246 Bunq doesn’t need to answer these questions.

      They can designed their own Pricing model.
      As „StartUp“ Bank it’s Even more important to find the right Model!

      If bunq wants to do this. Let them do it.
      Decide for yourself if you want to stay or not.

      I don’t know what’s the Problem.
      Bunq Is compensating a lot of old models with 3 Month free premium. So that users can decide what they want to do.

      They make planting trees easier, but It costs 9€ more wow

        I didn’t get any survey. And I’m one of the poepen with a joint account. So this directly affects me. It’s beyond me why this has been done the way it has.

          Habe auch nie eine erhalten

            @Lui#154254 Natürlich muss Bunq das nicht. Aber eine Bank die mit dem Versprechen: Zusammen /together an den Markt geht und immer erwähnt das sie alles Zusammen mit der Community machen, kann doch auch Transparenz zeigen? Allen Beteiligten ist klar, dass Bunq Geld verdienen muss. Da wäre aber Ehrlichkeit die bessere Alternative.

              Never received any survey either.
              I think they've only surveyed themselves :D

                I manage quite a few Bunq accounts and no e was asked for a survey. It seems that they just shout something and think that they can get away with it when it’s s ‘green’.

                  @Indigo-Unicorn#153959 🤣🤣🤣

                    @Lui#154254 They keep mentioning it, putting the link to the survey (invalid). using that excuse for every change.

                    They are a fintech startup (also not a startup anymore), saying that tranparency and the customer is important.

                    Do you find it right if people change their bank to bunq paying a certain amount and after some time they double the price "just because" they are a startup and can do it?

                    I have every right to say my opinion and I have actually never experienced something like that with a bank, and had many bad experiences with N26 and Revolut as I started to use them just when they started.

                      @freakyaxel#154280 Where does the double price come from???

                        @Bastiaan-Turquoise-Panda#154272 Well, their grass is not so green anymore. Or at least I can almost see greener grass.

                          @Lui#154288 Me, I used Joint with 3 people, my family. Paid 9.99
                          Now I would have to pay 4.99 for every account for the first 3 months. Total 14.97
                          After the 3 months is becoming 7.99 for every account, so 23.97.

                          But "luckly" they have that overpriced Pack that I would not use entirely as we are 3, costing 19.99 (4 people).

                          And no, don't tell me: You could invite a stanger.

                            @freakyaxel#154296 If you don’t want to invite a stranger.
                            Just ask someone if you can join them.

                            It it’s a problem for you to join… wow

                              I was asked for a survey, and I had chosen the one which stated leave the memberships as it is. Do not change it.
                              But I am a new bunq Premium user, have been using the travel card before that. I switched to Premium about a couple of weeks ago, and just as I switched I got the survey. Which for me doesn't really make sense as to why they would give a new user the survey and not the ones who have been using bunq since a lot more than I have, as they would have more thoughts on this than me. Maybe if this was their model and they tried pushing the survey only to new bunqers that would probably make a little bit of sense as to why it is 81%. As I am sure by the looks of it, the majority does not want it. If I am a new member maybe I might be swooped by all the eco-friendly benefits. Just my 2 cents.

                                @Lui#154307 Hope you are kidding ahah really

                                  Ik ook niet.
                                  Ik wilde samen met mijn vriendin een joint account gaan nemen. Want dan waren de kosten nog niet zo gek. Maar nu stap ik toch van dit idee af. En hou ik het bij premium en dan gaan we naar een andere bank voor een gezamenlijke rekening.

                                    @Matteo-Indigo-Akita-2429416581#154192 we have in total 4 accounts, non of them received and email to join the survey. But okay, I can have missed it. But I assume you haven't asked in the survey "do you like to see an increase of the subscription if we simplify our subscriptions?" Anyway the main thing is the lack of communication (again) to your user base.
                                    I'm not against earning money and no, bunq free is a good subscription to make money but a lot of people like (or liked) the joint account which was affordable and then therefor very attractive.

                                    And then, in a time that the world is in a crisis and freelancers (like me and my partner) are not sure what the future will bring, you come up with this move. It's so not logical to do this now, even with the "extra" 3 months.....

                                    As a big bunq fan I'm really disappointed about this move.

                                      @Lui#154254 So right now you are basically saying ‘accept it or leave’. I really hope this is not the mindset that bunq itself has 😉They wouldn’t have a lot of customers left if they would say things like this