@Estella-Yellow-Hummingbird#158038 bunq offers various products. Bank accounts, savings accounts, bank cards, etc. Check the website for more details. 🙂
@Bernard-Cyan-Lion#158040 I have to correct you there; although the card behaves like a debit card, it really is a creditcard. Every terminal will recognise it as such as that is what is programmed on the card. However, the nice thing is that your credit limit is dynamic and exactly equal to the balance on the associated bank account. 🙂👍 but in acceptance it’s equal to any other Mastercard creditcard. In fact, merchants are not allowed to reject it when they claim to accept Mastercard creditcards. This is called the “Honor all Cards” rule. Some merchants are “a bit” stubborn however, claiming that embossing/signature should be present.. which is not true (Mastercard moved away from that a while back). So, the Travelcard and Metalcard are really real creditcards. 👍