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  • Additional questions about SuperGreen (2)

@bunq#157087 the Super Green Card is not a Credit Card: i was wishing to buy some stuff but the payment was declined with the msg there are not funds on the card. It is a prepaid debit card something that i don’t need for traveling because you can’t use it in hotels (they often block +++ USD that they return 8-15 days later), no way for renting a car or pay tolls and several others. Thus you use so few that Bunq can for sure make zero exchange rates

    Hi 👋 @Bernard-Cyan-Lion#158040

    The Metal Card and Travel Card are credit cards. The only thing to keep in mind is that your credit line is always equal to your account balance. Payments and deposits are always immediately debited from your card/account, of course the funds will be returned when the deposit is released.

    For the user they indeed work like a debit card but they have the benefit of being a credit card for better acceptance. It also isn't a prepaid card as that usually has less acceptance.

      @Estella-Yellow-Hummingbird#158038 bunq offers various products. Bank accounts, savings accounts, bank cards, etc. Check the website for more details. 🙂

      @Bernard-Cyan-Lion#158040 I have to correct you there; although the card behaves like a debit card, it really is a creditcard. Every terminal will recognise it as such as that is what is programmed on the card. However, the nice thing is that your credit limit is dynamic and exactly equal to the balance on the associated bank account. 🙂👍 but in acceptance it’s equal to any other Mastercard creditcard. In fact, merchants are not allowed to reject it when they claim to accept Mastercard creditcards. This is called the “Honor all Cards” rule. Some merchants are “a bit” stubborn however, claiming that embossing/signature should be present.. which is not true (Mastercard moved away from that a while back). So, the Travelcard and Metalcard are really real creditcards. 👍

        You quotes yourself bank for the people, plus being Green, especially in this hard and difficult times we are all facing around the world,so why do subscriptions are getting higher and higher per month, as a metal card user we need a lot more products for subscription, so pleased I am to add more products to your hire subscription just like many other online banking services who have the same metal card system offer a lot more products for the monthly price you pay. Please I am emphasizing this point,we need more value for money, and stop scaring people from subscriptions


          Yes there is an IBAN you can transfer money to for topping up your card. This is possible under Cards > Add Money.

          Please take at the link below or use the search functionality because your questions are irrelevant for this topic and therefor off-topic.


            Hola estimado caballero !
            Tengo varias preguntas :
            Acabo de solicitar una cuenta bunq pero creo que que hice mal la solicitud porque todos los texto me hablan de la tarjeta travel y lo que quiero es una cuenta con la tarjeta de débito
            Cómo o qué debo hacer ?
            La siguiente pregunta es :
            Cuánto es el máximo la cantidad de dinero que debo tener en la cuenta y cuánto es el máximo que puedo sacar en efectivo de un cajero automático ?

              Hi 👋 @Mary-Cyan-Akita#158075

              You can switch memberships to Premium under Profile > My membership. The Premium membership includes full bank accounts and the possibility to order debit cards.

              The daily withdrawal limit is €500 per day per card, this can't be increased.

                @bunq#157087 Why does a replacement for the Greencard cost money? And why 89€ ? For a pice of metal that’s honestly looks cheap. Also I plant over 1200+ trees 🌳 where can I see them ? I honestly have a hard time believing that you guys managed to 🌱 plant them already.

                  @Tim#158077 Gracias Tim
                  Tengo dos horas leyendo casi todo tipo de comentarios en conclusión todos terminan hablando de árboles
                  No entiendo absolutamente nada !!
                  Tengo cuentas en dos países créeme que ninguna hablan de árbol
                  No sé si es que hablan del medio ambiente o es una nueva forma de hablar de cuentas

                  Disculpen por mi ignorancia pero solo necesito es una cuenta online con IBAN de Netherlands simplemente , aquí hablan tanto de árboles que me siento confundida
                  Lo siento por la pregunta . Me gustaría que me explicarán .
                  Muchas gracias ,🌺

                    Hi 👋 @Mary-Cyan-Akita#158100

                    This topic is about questions regarding the new SuperGreen memberships, which includes planting trees 🌳. You can use the search function to search for other helpful topics in the Help tab.

                    If you need a full bank account you will need to be a Premium member. You can manage your membership under Profile > My Membership. You can read more information about all memberships in the following topic: https://together.bunq.com/d/3892-what-subscriptions-are-available/11

                      @Tim#158104 Thank you very much gentleman, receive a cordial greeting

                        @Mary-Cyan-Akita#158108 🌺

                          @Cihat-Blue-Tiger#158087 I honestly have a hard time believing that you guys managed to 🌱 plant them already.

                          The money is donated to Eden Reforestation Projects (as described in the blog post). While you cannot really see which trees are from the bunq donations, you can see bunq's logo on their website listed as a partner and you can check out the Eden Project's website and social links. They plant a lot of trees (like, millions), and some of them are funded by bunq SuperGreen members. Around 98% of them are planted in Madagascar.

                            Hello, everyone,

                            I am currently a test user of Premium and have Bunq since the beginning of the month.
                            Now I have received an advertising email saying that for every 100 Euro you plant 2 trees.

                            Is this email outdated or do all Supergreen members (old or new) have 2 trees/100 Euro until next year?
                            As far as I understood it was a concession for old members til the next year - all other members a plant 1 tree/100 euro.

                            Please excuse that I have to ask here again, even though it was probably mentioned many times. Just wanna make sure.

                              @Robert-Grey-Jaguar-3482361862#158195 Hi 👋🏼 Robert,

                              The two trees per every €100 spend when using the Metal Card applies to all SuperGreen users who did receive 2 trees per €100 before the launch 🚀 of SuperGreen. So users who had the old Green Card 💳 subscription.

                              Have a great Easter 🐣


                                Thank you very much for the explanation.
                                Then the email is probably not yet updated. :)

                                  @Robert-Grey-Jaguar-3482361862#158200 Looks like an outdated marketing e-mail that they forgot to remove / renew. Especially because they're still calling it the Green Card in the e-mail, but it's not called that anymore. It's now just the Metal Card.

                                    Wurde aber noch nicht umgesetzt. Pflanze seit der Umstellung immer nur 1 Baum.