Bas Done!
Socratis Excuses, er is sprake van miscommunicatie, mijn plek is al vergeven nu. Nogmaals excuses. Als iemand anders Socratis van dienst kan zijn zou dat super zijn!
Looking for pack to join :) Let me know if you have a free spot!
Socratis Are you still looking? Send 0.01€ to if yes, including your number or email in the description! It will be 5€ per month. And are you Greek by any chance? :p
Hey everyone, I’m also looking for a spot in a bunq pack since the last pack I was part of for 9 months just got cancelled recently 😐
Thanks 🙏
Antonis Ellinokiprios :) I’ve transferred 0,01€ yesterday! You haven’t received it?
Socratis let's do this then! I'm afraid I haven't received it though. Are you sure you've successfully completed the transaction?
Socratis how fast it appears also depends on which payment method you chose though. Send me an email to (replace AT with @ of course - only valid for the next 6 hours) with your contact data and I'll invite you to the pack!
Hi everyone, who has a spot left in a pack?
Sherilyn I am looking for two more people to create a pack! Send 0.01 euro to with your contact details!
Also looking for a Pack to join! :)
Alexander I am looking for two more people to create a pack! Send 0.01 euro to with your contact details!
I too am looking for a spot left in a Bunq pack
Ernesto I am looking for two more people to create a pack! Send 0.01 euro to with your contact details!
ich suche auch einen Platz in einem Pack :)
Wenn vier Personen einen Platz in einem Pack suchen, sind das genau diejenigen die sich jeweils überlegen sollten, ob sie nicht ein Pack gründen und die anderen drei einladen sollten.
I am looking for two more people to create a pack! Send 0.01 euro to with your contact details!
KimchiSoup I just sent you 0,01€ with my Bunq Mail!
KimchiSoup Hi Jessica, ik krijg een melding dat de betaal link niet bestaat
Sherilyn Ik had een spellingsfoutje gemaakt😭. Ik heb het voor je overgemaakt. Thank you!