I love the API and the payment request feature is the best !
I notices that paying an PR using iDeal does not give a lot of room to identify what you are paying for. The bunq.me screen looks like this:
NICE, it shows my name, and the description of my request, not my IBAN (how needs IBAN's anyway). I like this, and the recipient of request also.
After the recipient picks a bank and pays using iDeal we get to see this (in the ING app)
Now we see the requestor's BUNQ IBAN however in de bunq.me page it was not visible, so this adds no real verifiable informatie here. Maybe this must be added to this page for technical or legal reasons, which is fine. However it would be better to show it also in the bunq.me page. so the recipient can verify the iDeal payment is still about the same thing and will be going to teh correct acocunt.
The next line states "Ordernr: b35hcxq" This is abacadabra for must users. I know the free space in an iDeal paymnent is limited. but it would be af GREAT HELP if we could use these 17 characters to show a short reference of the payment requestor ! (please. please. please).
I tried to use the "merchant_reference" field in the API request, however this is not shown anywhere. it prevents creating duplicate requests for the same MR, which is nice, however I would be a perfect candidate to replace the "Ordernr: b53hc7xq" since we know it will be unique within a requestor (user + monetary account).