Apple doesnt limit Apple Pay to specific card schemes. Its open to support completley different cards but only if they match the requirements and are used more or less widely. In Canada the national payment system "interac" is supported by Apple Pay. Germany's national one "Girocard" could be supported as well probably. Right now Amex, Visa, Vpay, Mastercard und Maestro are fully supported already or used. In Italy there are some banks offering Maestro cards for Apple Pay. And its true that Apple Pay supports multiple cards per Apple Pay user. So you can swichs cards in the wallet on the fly. As far as I understand the only limit is the regional settings. If your region is Netherlands than only Netherland banks are supported. If you switch to France or Ireland for btw. boon Apple Pay you cannot run a possible Apple Pay bunq simultanseously as it is a different region. ING (Netherlands) Apple Pay + bunq Apple Pay on one device might work theoretically.
Regarding premium only... that would make totally sense to support only premium. Its a marketing tool and currently HCE android pay is only possible with premium. All new cool improvements / features willl occur in permium.