• Exploring the amazing bunq V3? Let us know how we can make it even better!

@Kacper-Navy-Panther#171739 Nou goed, ik heb meerdere reacties geplaatst. De een meer inhoudelijk (constructief imho) dan de ander. En ik ben groot fan van bunq, sinds het begin, maar dit is echt de meest waardeloze update tot nu toe en daar mag best wat van gezegd worden. Alle andere updates waren helemaal top, was ik ook echt blij en haast trots om bunq gebruiker te zijn. Maar nu met deze update is dat echt in één klap volledig weg

    Ik lees al genoeg goede kritiek. Zelfs van mensen die beta gebruikers waren en niets terugzien van hun feedback.

    Sorry Bunq, maar jullie slaan de plank echt compleet mis met deze app.
    Ik bespaar mezelf de tijd om net als iedereen kritiek te uiten doormidden van feedback. Maar ik betaal me scheel aan bankkosten. Elke update is weer billenknijpen. Extra features = hogere kosten. En dan nu deze nieuwe app. Wat een blamage!

    Ik heb het gevoel dat ik naar een Amerikaanse pinball app zit te kijken. Totaal onoverzichtelijk en een ondermaats UI / UX ervaring.

    Dit gaat jullie heel veel klanten kosten.

    Sorry, maar hier ga ik geen 25 euro per maand meer voor betalen.

    En stop met die boomknuffelaar mailtjes. Ik wordt helemaal dood gegooid met spam over die bomen die jullie planten. Ik heb dit abonnement niet. Dus waarom moet ik wederom overal zien dat ik 0 bomen heb geplant?

    Succes met het verwerken van alle feedback. Ik ben teleurgesteld en zelfs een beetje boos.

      So, here we go.

      I’m going to say this only once, just to make my point clear:
      BUNQ, YOU F****D UP BIG TIME!!!!!

      So, now that’s out of my system, lets talk about constructive feedback,

      First of all, I’m a bigtime Bunq fanboy, I really love everything you do and the approach you guys take on this banking stuff. But with V3 you lost me! Almost all my point’s are already been said by my fellow bunq’ers.

      For me the biggest thing is the UI. Ali talked about complaints he got from people about is being to complicated? For me that’s a strange think to hear, V2 is the best banking app EVER! Ofcourse there’s some learning curve to it, but try to use any new app. You need to learn the UI, where stuff is and how you use it!

      V3 feels like forced change. “We need something new, just because the app is a few years old now”
      This makes V3 feel like going backwards! To be totaly honnest, V3 feels like the beta of V1. And I don’t want to be negative here, but this is my feeling now!

      V3 places the focus at the wrong things. I liked the fact I could place photo’s on my acounts amazing, this made it really easy to find an acount. I also don’t like the 2 colom layout, I tent to use pretty long names for my acount’s because I also incorporate things like desired balance at the start of the month etc into the name. With the two coloms this is lost.
      Also, in V2 you could see your linked cards. This made a quick glance at the checkout counter enough to know if your card is linked correctly, this coupled with the acount picture made A great app.

      Personaly, I couldn’t care less about how much time I saved, how much trees I planted or how much Money I saved!
      First off all, I’m not a super green user, second, If I would like to know how much I saved I just look at my savings acount! And finaly, I just lost time looking at this useless counter wich tells me a fictional time number!
      Here we go again! V2 was already at the sweetspot. This overvieuw page showed exactly what Iwanted to see when I opened the app!
      Ofcourse could the UI be tweeked, I actualy kind of like the idea of this big + button, but the usage should be better thought throu!
      To recap! I would like this to be a good and clear overvieuw of my banking. Just money!

      Then we arrive at the US button. I share the oppinion of the other people! Instagram don’t belongs inside A banking app. Plain simple! Again, I’m a bunq fanboy! I always follow your new’s stuff. I like to watch the livefeeds and I’m happy as soon ad the update gets pushed to my phone. So I don’t care for this feed. I get my information when I want it! I don’t think it should have a 25% share inside my banking menu!
      Personaly I don’t use any social media. Call me old (almost 30, so not that old!)

        Bunq I am your Ambassador you dont know of! V2 I was killing it, getting my friends on it and knowing how to use it and spreading my love and enthusiasm for the app.

        Why?! Because banking became money management. My personal money management was playful and my business money management was also playful but had a ‘serious’ note. With bunq I could put up my ‘jar’ system in my personal account. For my different personal projects I had an account and could easily share with partners. I could also list my bank accounts in order as I pleased and EVERYTHING was in it’s right place. I loved the profile switch between personal and business. I loved the card button where I easily could switch over to accounts. My whole administration is build the way my bunq was set up V2, and I have passed the same system to many of my friends and collegue. We ALL are so much better in managing our money because of bunq. So YES I am fan. The architectural design of V2 was accessible for the rookies and for the pro’s.

        V3 visually is a hot mess. It is very cluttered. It takes me more time to see the overview because of the same color use for accounts and accounts with long names are not fully displayed. 4 of my 5 business accounts disappeared .
        The card overview , now I have to get my physical to see make sure I use the right card. I cant even put constructive my feedback together because of the total chaos that is going on in my app 😭
        I just want simpel easy to use and easy for the eyes V2 back. I trust bunq so much that I updated without hesitation excited to see how banking would be more exciting and handier. But nothing of that ....

        Dear bunq if you decide to wanna develop V3 because you consider that the best next in innovation, go for it! But please consider your super fans (ME) who got better with money because of V2 and are satisfied with V2. V2 needs to come back. It really does. Can we say the architectural design of V2 was good and keep that as our foundation and build further from there? If the desire for V3 is to stay. Please let us have a choice between V2 and V3 ..

        I vote V2

        *i am very upset 🥺

          @Dennis-Violet-Frog#171724 Well said! Completely agree!

            @RobertK81#171143 Luckily I have an iPad that still has V2. The cards are still there, also pointing to the correct account. Let’s hope this is just a visual bug and the cards appear in V3 again soon.

              Okay, I opened the new version and what I did after 5 minutes is searching if I could go back to an older version but I can't. So here some feedback and I hope the app will be better again.

              It's totally unclear that the dots in the right upper corner has different options under each category. This is the same for that big bunq button.

              It would be nice to have the option for dark mode because my preference is the have just the white mode.

              Have all bank account in a grid doesn't really made it a better overview. Normally I knew in what position my bank accounts where ordered so I could easily swipe down to get to my accounts, also the pictures helped a lot. That's now gone and the overview is way less clear.

              I also think accessibility wise there are some challenges. Maybe test with real disabled people would help to make things clear for everyone.

              The US section I really don't need that, I have Instagram for that and there is a reason why I don't follow bunq on that.

              When launching people always gonna complain, that's a fact. But I hope it gets better fast this app and a lot more clear like it was before. Can't find many things like sort etc...

              Just my 50 cents

                Gemiddelde topic op bunq together vandaag:
                Klant: Ik vind de nieuwe app NIET makkelijker en NiET handiger.
                bunq: We hebben de app makkelijker en handiger gemaakt. Doei !👋
                Topic gesloten