Victor D.Rookie
@Daniel-Purple-Kiwi#172590 How did you revert to V2? I think lots of users are interested in to revert back to v2? Did you restored the full backup or is there a way to easily revert to v2?
@Daniel-Purple-Kiwi#172590 How did you revert to V2? I think lots of users are interested in to revert back to v2? Did you restored the full backup or is there a way to easily revert to v2?
@Heiko-Hartwig#172663 Scheint aktuell nicht mehr möglich zu sein. Attachments/Fotos/Notizen können nur an Zahlungen Überweisungen angehängt werden. Bei Kartenzahlungen fehlt der Unterpunkt hinter dem Plus.
German language has a wonderful word for "Excessively telling good words about yourself": Selbstbeweihräucherung (Spraying sacred smoke to yourself).
Exactly this is one of the things that disturb me the most in v3. You don't need to tell me how great bunq is, I know that it is (well, used to be) great.
Thank god apkmirror exists and has a copy of V2. What a disaster
@Victor-Freeze#172706 When you're on Android, you can get the old apk file on As far as I know, you can't go back on iOS once you updated.
Me right now because my apps don't automatically update
But I agree with alot of comments above. Take your losses, put the old version back, fix or redesign the new app and try again. Nothing is more hurtfull than ignoring your customers when there is so many feedback.
@brmlmn#172695 This is a known issue on Android, they're working on it!
Vreselijke update. Ik weet niet welke UXer dit zo heeft weten op te fokken maar dit voelt als een rare transitie naar een heel ander soort app.
I can't possibly imagine what you did in your UX testing. It seems someone rushed this out. Are you losing your way? The app is more about self-promotion than anything else. Most things don't work well anymore, virtual cards aren't intuitive. I honestly don't care about the "us" part - I have Instagram as an app. The camera does not need to be a dedicated thing and could be way smaller. I am not bothered about seeing how many tree's I saved on the home page. I want to know financial things as you're a bank - at least supposed to be a bank. This giant + actually is pointless for me. It should have functions related to interacting with your account and not merely offering further services. I want my custom icons back. I can't find a positive thing to say about this upgrade so far apart from - when can I downgrade. At least rollback for everyone and test "a helluva lot more" and then try again. My appreciation of the bank has dropped dramatically and my trust has eroded too. Fire whoever decided to do this with no UX checking with the user! It truly is awful.
A mes yeux bunq un grand avantage qui était un système bien structuré pour la gestion des cartes physiques comme virtuelles. Bon nombre de fonctions se sont évaporées dans v3
De plus, j’ai essayé de recréer puis de supprimer de nouvelles cartes virtuelles, de les supprimer, ce qui m’a amené a devoir demander la version physique pour pouvoir la supprimer, résultat mon quota de cartes physique est épuisé en plus d’une facture de 9€ . C’est faire cher payer a vos clients une transition bâclée ....
@thijsoost#172716 Hi Thijs, thanks! Yes unfortunately I am on iOS and the way to revert back to older version without just restoring the full backup is much more complicated. But anyway thanks for your feedback. It would be great if bunq would at least provide the option to install both bunq versions (bunq v2 and bunq v3) so users are able to install v2
@Victor-Freeze#172728 I'm on Android and disabled automatic updating for the bunq app, so I try to use v2 as long as possible 😅
Please stop trying to sell your product to users that are already paying for your product. Bunq V3 only introduces unnecessary crap and bugs that make things more unclear.
Please roll back to V2, I love bunq's features and would not like to leave because of this unnecessary crap.
To many features that nobody wants
Why are there 'ads' for things like travel cards and premium accounts under the (way too big) + button when I already have a travel card and am part of a bunq premium pack?
Why is there a tree/CO2 overview when I don't have the "ultra package" with the shiny card? It will always remain 0. I'm not interested to see that I have 0 Trees plant. And of course I never will do this for 9€ a month.
Where are the buttons to block cards when they get lost/stolen?
Where are my virtual cc ? I only see one.
Why is there a button that shows how much "time I saved"? I don't care, that time can be considered as sunk costs.
What about these big button. Before I just presse send or receive. Now I need to got to the account etc.
What about this big from us. If I would like to get information about bunq I can ready to threads in the community this waste a lot of space and nobody cares these fancy pictures in a banking app. I would like to manage my money to looking fancy rainbow pictures.
Sad but true this is a really bad update!!!!!
This is not anymore the bank of free. It's the bank of dictatorship
@bunq#170787 Dear Ali,
Once again bunq fails to communicate. Please do not make this fault again, didn’t you learn from the past?
Hurry up and inform your (paying) users ASAP. We want to know your statement on all the comments on V3. And please provide us info about when things will be fixed so the app becomes usable again.
Bunq is a professional bank now, so please act like it!!!
Kind regards,
Rene (bunq user from te beginning)
Ik ben teleurgesteld. Het is een puinhoop.
Ten eerste, de tellers bovenaan zijn zinloos en bovendien is het flauwekul. Blijkbaar 3 weken tijd bespaard. Zo, boeiend! Ik wil gewoon direct m’n saldo zien en betalingen doen en ontvangen.
Daarnaast is de ‘Van ons’ tab totaal overbodig. Als ik jullie foto’s wil bekijken, dan heb ik daar de Instagram app voor. Hoe moeilijk is het?
En waarom proberen jullie constant extra add-ons en andere onnodige ‘upgrades’ aan te smeren? Kap daarmee. Ik ben nota bene al betalende Business klant.
Positieve punten heb ik niet. Echt nul. Hou het gewoon simpel en to the point, zonder bullshit.
Doe me een lol, draai dit terug. Terug naar normaal.
Hi, 👋
Please give us the function to set individual colors for our sub-accounts. Regardless of the images set for the accounts.
I hope you understand what I mean.
Cheers 🥂
Android bug - I cannot scroll and see all my accounts. The scrolling stops before the bottom.
App feedback:
1 - Us is irrelevant. This is my bank app, not a social media app. Create a Us section deep down in the app if you want to showcase it so much, or on the website, but it does not deserve such a prominent space in the app.
2 - The Me section makes no sense to be on the main screen. Not everyone is a metal card subscriber, so CO2 saved is yet another irrelevant thing to have in such a prominent space. I do have savings enabled, but the entry page again does not seem the place to have it, the profile seems to be a way better place where all the spendings are listed too. So why not the earnings as well. Time saved??? How do you even measure this? This whole me section should be somewhere else and be focused on you, so only show the things you have a subscription/enabled.
This design seems a downgrade to me. Account list view was way better, now in grid view I cannot even see some of my account names. The same thing goes for cards. It's less clear now, to me, which card is which. The previous interface was not the best, but the separation of card categories was really important to me and now that's gone.
@JustusZenker#170877 yep that is the way to do it, improve customer experience by feedback of a group of people willing to work on the new app and leave V2 alive for at least another 6 month for the people to fall back to.
The new version layout does not seem as intuitive or user friendly as the previous design. Please return the ‘account’ section back to a list, and the ‘+’ button is less preferable to simply having a menu.