• Exploring the amazing bunq V3? Let us know how we can make it even better!

This new app is a disgrace, and in no way an improvement over the V2. The two reasons I pay for Bunq are the ethics, and the professional, smooth, banking experience. With V3, the second is gone completely, and the first starts to feel like a marketing ploy.

I’ll save my words - nearly everything wrong with the app has already been stated. At the very least, please roll back to V2, or incorporate the much-needed changes in V3.

I have to say I cannot stay with Bunq if the app remains the way it is.

    @Simon-Lime-Badger#172708 Schade, für mich ein klarer Nachteil und ein Grund ggf. mich erneut umzuschauen.

      Es posible ver el fondo blanco???
      Me causa agobio verlo todo negro y oscuro

        Can someone please tell me how to reverse the merged accounts private/business?!

          Iedere keer als je de app opent dan zie je dit:

          zeer annoying. Ik wil dit niet en er is geen optie 'niet meer laten zien'

            geef toe: V3 was een fout.
            Dit is de kans te luisteren en er van te leren: de boodschap van de klanten is duidelijk, fout gemaakt, terugdraaien en terug naar de basis

            in alle reacties is alles al wel gezegd. Voor mij is het samengevat: ik herken de app bijna niet als een bank app

            • alle functionaliteit die ik nodig heb is weggestopt onder knopjes. Moet 2-3 klikken voor zaken die core functionaliteit zouden moeten zijn. En elke keer weer een gok: onder de +, bij de ..., of onder een van de vele knopjes? V2 snapte dat veel beter!
            • tijd + bomen sparen is super sympathiek, maar het wekt ondertussen de omgekeerde reactie op
            • super irritant dat bij allerlei knoppen ik na een paar keer klikken erachter moet komen dat daar een duurder plan voor nodig is. Voeg die zaken samen op één pagina, maar niet verspreid en verstopt onder wél beschikbare functionaliteit.

              Guys, i’m sorry to say, but i really dislike this new version.
              Its more focused on what Bunq achieved then on the banking functionalities.

              The user experience of the old verion way better then this one. Pleace, bring back at least the light mode instead of dark only!

                You guys need to fire your product managers and designers. Such a huge downgrade. Please undo.

                  @Ilan#170853 Wtf are tribes. Why is a bank trying to be a social network? Good god

                    @Gecko#172736 Have to agree. Communication has always been very lacking. This is just another conformation for me that they're not really in contact with the user base. Or maybe with a small subset. I don't know.
                    For the last 3-4 years I've been a user I've always felt communication was really poor. And next to that there is this air of 'we are different' from the staff and the blogs. That's nice and all. And disruption is what this sector needs. But the 'we are different' always created a feeling with me that the Bunq crew felt like a group of people with their very own culture with a disconnected with the outside world.
                    I think this new update is just a very logical conclusion of that.

                    I really appreciate the mission, and all the amazing feature and the 'hunt' for innovation. But for me, this is too much. Looking alternatives now.

                      Hi, trying to work with the new V3 with an open mind here. Haven’t made my mind on it yet.

                      Here’s some early feedback:
                      - dark mode is fine, but I’d need a light mode as well. At the moment the app is way too dark during the day
                      - I have a business account and nowadays everything is completely mixed up: the transactions, the cards, the amounts in the profile section. I definitely see what you’re trying to do here (merging the two types of account to easier browsing and whatnot) but they should be more separated than they currently are
                      - I miss the cards visuals in the cards section

                        @simardcasanova#172810 Also: I don’t care about the Instagram feed, I don’t need that in my bank app.

                          @simardcasanova#172810 Card Visuals... yes. I can no more find what type of card it is. With v2, I could see clear distinction between maestro, mastercard, online.

                            It might be hard to digest for developers working very hard to drive the app forward, but that can never be an argument to cast valuable feedback aside. Progress shouldn't come at the expense of the users who have put faith and money in a young risky startup. It's important to understand that people join bunq not only for where it is now, but for where it is going. If bunq is making radical changes just for change's sake, you get a weird Frankenstein's monster like V3. As a result, people lose trust in where bunq is heading.

                            I feel this happening with myself as well. I was once an ambassador of bunq. As the erratic moves happened and bunq displayed sheer unwillingness to own up to its mistakes, not only do I not want to promote bunq in my social circles, I also find it hard to justify remaining a customer myself.

                            Everything bunq tried to accomplish with V3, it could have done by making meaningful alterations to an already stellar app (I'll maybe get into this in another post). Why throw something as valuable as V2 (tried and tested, long developed) away like this? V2 was not fundamentally broken. It doesn't make sense.


                            200+ votes while locked for comments by bunq. Probably will be hidden in a bit. I think this 'small but very vocal minority' should be embraced. These users at least take time to voice their opinion. This situation is an opportunity for bunq to show its ability to grow as a business.

                            In the past, bunq failed to capitalise on its mistakes. Let's hope they don't let this opportunity go to waste. It's never too late to change.

                              Ik heb kennelijk een persoonlijk account aangemaakt bij het upgraden naar de 'V3 experience'. Als ik dat account ophef dan krijg ik de volgende melding:

                              Dus ik kan geen accounts opheffen. Dan verschijnt er een foutmelding over tarieven. Hebben jullie deze V3 clusterfuck uberhaupt goed doorgetest?
                              Ik betaal een flink bedrag per maand maar dat is prima als alles goed werkt. Ik was een fan van het eerste uur maar ik overweeg nu serieus om mijn geld bij een andere bank onder te brengen...

                                Het enige wat me ervan weerhoud om naar N26 te switchen is een Duitse IBAN. Gelukkig heb ik m’n KNAB rekening ook nog, hoewel de Bunq features de reden was om ook een rekening hier te openen.

                                Oude interface was prima maar mocht van mij wel iets zakelijker. De N26 app is een goed uitgangspunt, hier een Bunq sausje overheen en klaar.

                                  Deze update is waardeloos. Niks is terug te vinden en ik heb meteen de oude versie terug gezet. Als dit zo blijft stap ik over.

                                    Can you guys roll this back or at least give us a timeline on how you're going to fix the current situation? This app isn't something that people are going to learn to use, it's simply flawed by design and bad UX. I was a big bunq fan but simply dismissing all negative beta feedback as a 'vocal minority' isn't acceptable.

                                      @simardcasanova#172813 Het is meer dan een Instagram feed, zoals je kunt zien post bunq nu ook nieuwsberichten, blogs, etc. Het is een feed met allerlei informatie met betrekking tot en curated door bunq (wat een grote verbetering is ten opzichte van in de eerste beta versies, waarbij je ook willekeurige instagram van anderen in de feed tegenkwam).

                                      In mijn ogen past “Us” perfect bij wat bunq ook wil zijn, namelijk een community bank. Dit neemt niet weg dat de basis, de persoonlijke bankervaring, heel erg goed moet zijn. Hier valt nog het nodige aan te verbeteren, maar ik weet zeker dat ook bunq inziet dat de persoonlijke bankervaring van gebruikers “on spot” moet zijn

                                        Oh my...

                                        For a company which is so forward-thinking, I really don't know what happened. As a product developer, I loveeeed your previous app. I told all my friends multiple times to switch to Bunq. But now... It looks like your UI went 10 steps back instead of 10 steps forward. Guys! What are you doing?

                                        ME PAGE
                                        - The account overview page looks like the first version of an app build in 2005. Your previous was sharp and clear, This one is not at all.
                                        - It should show all the essential information in a glance. All extra options should show somewhere under a menu button. I don't care how much time I saved. And yes, the trees are nice, but not on a day to day base.
                                        - Account names don't fit.
                                        - It does not let me scroll down to the bottom, so I can't see the lowest accounts.

                                        US PAGE
                                        - The 'us' page... Really... I understand you want to keep people engaged but come on. Besides that the padding between the articles is not consistent and in general, the overview is not clear, why on earth would you want this in such a prominent place?
                                        - Why is 'invite a friend' and 'create a link to get money back easily' placed under the 'us' tab? That does not make any sense.

                                        PROFILE PAGE
                                        - Why show the add-ons and trophies? This is non-relevant information guys. Hide it.
                                        - In the previous version, I could say when the month would start: On the date or when my salary got in. Now I can't find this option anymore.
                                        - It's 'food and drinks' not 'food and drink'.
                                        - The support center keeps asking me to log in while I am logged in already. Therefore I had to log in on my computer, otherwise, I could not post this feedback.
                                        - When clicking on the back button of 'Personal Details' it sends you back to the account instead of the settings page.

                                        Besides this.

                                        • It's very hard to reach your support center. It takes some browsing to get there.
                                        • The colors... People.
                                        • One last thing. Why is your feed up-side-down? I want to see the last messages on top, not in the bottom...Right?

                                        I think you are a great company. But deploying such a big change and seeing how much feedback you are getting now, makes me wonder how much testing you have done.

                                        You can do it! Just listen to us, breath and it all will be ok :)
