I got a mail through with an invoice and don't recall signing up to this option. I do not want to use this upgrade and wish to remove it
Owen You can see your membership under [Profile] tab > Settings (⋯) > [My membership] and from there you can always switch to other membership types.
Here's an overview over available subscriptions: https://together.bunq.com/d/3892-what-subscriptions-are-available/11 Feature overview: https://www.bunq.com/benefits Full pricing sheet: https://www.bunq.com/pricing-sheet
I've been charged for Premium also, but didn't subscribed to it. How is that possible that I've been charged for that?
Wouter Hard for us to determine here on the user forums because we don't have access to your account. But maybe this was because of the new membership types introduced in April? https://together.bunq.com/d/32580-why-am-i-switched-to-the-premium-subscription
How do I disable the download of money from my private account on Easy green
Arkadiusz Could you try explaining what you mean by "download of money"? What are you trying to achieve?
Jakob Er meint bestimmt, wie er fremde Abbuchungen von seinem Konto stoppen kann.
Sind halt leider zu wenige Informationen, um sagen zu können wie man ihm helfen kann. 🙁