August is coming to a close, days are getting shorter, and the temperature is falling 📉 which means that the fall is coming 🍃
But wait a minute - we still have a full month of summer ahead! ☀️ Here are our ideas to make the most out of them, even if you've already come back from your vacation 🏝
1. Use up the weather!
Crowded places should be a no-go in the current situation, but milder temperatures mean better conditions to embrace nature 🌳 Spending time in the local park or walking in a nearby forest can provide a great deal of shadow from the sun ⛅️ Don't be afraid to get active! A jog between the trees is great for your lungs too 🌬
2. Soak up the sun... at home! 🏡
The harsh summer sun is not very inviting nor pleasant, but late August provides some balance, making it the perfect time to soak in the warmth - even in the comfort of your own home 🏠 If you're lucky enough to be able to work from home, set up your personal office in your garden, on your balcony, or even by the window - and bask in the sun rays to get the energy you need for your daily tasks! ⚡️
3. Surround yourself with plants 🌱
Summer is a great time for gardening and watching your plants bloom 🌻 With the fall right around the corner, you can still recreate a summer garden in your home with some herbs, like mint, basil, lavender, or sage 🌿 They will thrive on your kitchen counter just as well as outside if you provide them with a bit of sunlight and water every day, and the scent will remind you of summer in no time. Even if the fall days become gray and dull, you can always smell your plants to get that summery feel 🙌
4. You can still go on a trip... online! 💻
Used up your vacation days? Travel is difficult under current restrictions? No worries - summer is not over until you say it's over 😎 Recently bunq has partnered up with Withlocals, giving our subscribers 10% off of their trips - and they have an amazing catalog of virtual trips with guides who'll show you the most iconic places on Earth while you can relax on your couch! 🌍 Give it a try!
What are your ideas to make the most out of this summer? Let us know in the comments below! 👇