@Kevin-Pink-Bear-307042131#196186 Ik vraag mij af of er kosten zijn voor het bestellen van een nieuwe kaart?
So until a few weeks ago you could get one free Metal Card in the SuperGreen membership (as long as you would stay a member for the next 12 months, else there was a fee when downgrading). Now the model changed so that you instead need to pre-pay for your membership to get a Metal Card (for 12 months in case of SuperGreen, and for 24 months as a Premium member).
So under the old model, you would need to pay again for the production of the card, as only one card was included. But because it changed now, your situation is actually quite interesting (as in, I'm also not quite sure what applies to you now). So either you would need to pre-pay for 12 months of your SuperGreen subscription and get a free card, or you would need to pay 129 Euros for a replacement card, I think.