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  • bunq Update 15 tonight! 🌈

On October 16th, we will show you all the amazing new features we’re launching in the bunq Update 15 to help you save time, money, and CO2! 🌈

You’ll immediately notice that something is different 🤔 We’ve updated some of the most visible elements of the interface ✨

What do you think we’re hiding? 😈 Write down your prediction in the comments!

We're dropping some hints throughout the week on our social channels - follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for a sneak peek! 🔭

To see for yourself, don’t forget to tune in to our bunq Update 15 live stream on October 16th at 18:00 (CEST)!

    4 days later

    @bunq#201255 Can't wait to see all the bugs from release 14 have been fixed!

      Fingers crossed the bugs are fixed and the app designers stop being so fancy and putting critical functionality where it's hard to find.

        Let's hope they decided to reroll update 13😝

          Can't wait! I'm sure there will be some amazing new features. 🌈

            Can’t wait until tomorrow ❤️ I always love your updates 🥰🥰

              Can’t wait!!! #Excited!

                Yeah, almost! 🎉 Also can’t wait for all the new features!

                  Boy ow boy! Exiting! The world is in desperate need of some good news! So, let’s all watch Update15 event!

                    It looks like the pictures are gone again...😭 please no

                      1 ding is zeker. De bubbels aan de bovenkant krijgen in ieder geval een update. ☝🏻

                        I am annoyed by all that CO2 thing inside the app. It's visual pollution really.

                        The UI is already clunky enough. You should really work on making it more ergonomic. I am here to bank not to plant trees.

                        Focus on your job. That's all we ask. Nothing more, nothing less.

                          @Raphaelchabaud#202128 Genau!

                            Bunq is top best bank van de wereld en snelste een knop voor instant payment voor Europa zou heel handig zijn voor mij en denk ook voor andere lets go update 15 Bunq ❤❤

                              bunq V2 is coming back! Now I can no longer feel like a cheap as for just having bunq premium.

                                Great! Wow, another reshuffle of all functionality. Sounds like we're going to have to spend hours of time, again, to find out what functions went where. Can't wait!

                                  Since V3 I’ve lost all enthusiasm for Bunq. The ads are stupid. The push for green/CO2 policies are ridiculous. The update shows are boring.

                                    Lets hope this update is also an improvement for the visual impaired. Parts of the current app are totally nonfunctional right now.

                                      Wow, certainly a theme going on here.. Moderators love it (surprise!!), nearly everyone else wants bunq to be more of a bank and stop hiding/moving features.. Glad I'm not the only one.. fingers crossed someone is listening?

                                      Sure, plant some trees, but do that after you stop logging me out for no reason, sending me 4 alerts every time I go to ah, and let me have the same phone number and e-mail address on all of my accounts.. Bank first, trees and emojis second.