Hey bunqers 🌈,
Discover new places with recommendations from your friends and Finn, your personal assistant.
How can I find recommended places?
- Go to the ✈️ Travel tab
- Select the desired category under What’s Happening
- Explore the places your friends have recommended on the map 🗺️
How can I see Finn’s recommendations?
Discover new spots as you go, with trusted recommendations from your friends as well as Finn, your personal assistant. Just follow these steps:
- Go to the ✈️ Travel tab
- Tap on Find Places with Finn
- You'll see Finn’s recommendations under "nearby places you'll love"
More details on how you can enable and disable Finn’s recommendations can be found here.
How can I rate a place I've visited?
Whenever you've visited a place, you'll automatically get a notification to rate the place you've visited! How does this happen in the app? Check the easy steps below:
- Go to the ✈️ Travel tab
- Tap on the pop-up notification above the Map, "You have X visits to review"
- Rate the place using:
- 🟢 Like
- 🔴 Dislike
- ⚪️ Skip rating
If you visit the same place, you can rate again.
How do I share recommendations?
To share recommendations, you need to have this feature turned on in your settings. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to the Profile Tab
- Tap ⚙️ in the upper right corner.
- Tap “Recommendations”
- Turn on Place Recommendations.
- If you want to disable sharing, just follow the same steps and turn off “Place Recommendations”.
Who can see my recommendations?
Your recommendations are visible only to friends in your contact list who have Place Recommendations turned ON.
🔒 Privacy: Your friends cannot see what you purchased, how much you spent, or when/how often you visited a place. That information remains private to you.
How can I disable or enable recommendations?
- Go to the 👤 Profile tab
- Tap ⚙️ Settings
- Select Recommendations
✅ To be able to recommend and view recommendations, the toggle should be ON.
🚫 To stop recommending and viewing recommendations, the toggle should be OFF.
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