Hi 👋🏼 all,
I think bunq hasn’t changed regarding their vision since they launched their first App. If anything, it has become more visible since V3. And I’m loving it.
But still, I can understand not everybody loves or needs a banking experience that focuses on making the world a better place in various ways. And that’s perfectly fine. Fortunately, there is lots to choose from in the world of banking. So, you can always find a bank that fits your needs better. But if you want to stick around to see if bunq becomes a traditional bank, that’s fine too....... hope you are a very patient person 😉
You can say a lot about bunq, but definitely not that bunq doesn’t listen. There are countless examples were bunq introduced or altered a feature simply because users asked for it! And that is one of the many many things I love about bunq, the whole “we are in it together” vibe.
What kind of bugs me are some fellow users that always magically seems to know what the majority wants. The majority is everywhere and not only on social media. There are lots of users that share their feedback more privately. And bunq also gets insights from app data, support calls, market research, and surveys... to name a few ;)
At the end it’s all about trust. And I trust bunq to make every decision with my best interest at heart ❤️.
I’m proud to be part of the bunq community. And I think bunq is on the right track 🚀... and also Update16 was a stunning update.. again. It always amazed me how bunq is able to launch so many cool stuff in such a short period! Job well done dear bunq team!