Het lukt mij niet te retourpinnen met bunq. Wordt dit ondersteund? Of gaat het simpelweg niet lukken?
@Vincent-Grey-Turtle#216178 Refunds should work just fine. What does not work is sending money to a card without it being a refund to a previous payment.
@Jakob-Y#216183 Hi Jakob. Geen refund. Maar daadwerkelijke retourpinnen. Hiervoor is geen eerdere transactie benodigd.
@Jakob-Y#216183 Dit werkt bij andere banken wel
@Vincent-Grey-Turtle#216185 Hi Vincent, maybe you could try using a Maestro instead of a Mastercard if you're not having luck with the refund via card. It seems like these networks work slightly differently judging from this thread: https://together.bunq.com/d/9079-retour-pinnen/
I have had the same probleem Today. In the end I'm glad I still have my Rabobank card. How can I fix this?
Retourpinnen werkt nog steeds niet. Sterker nog, het is af in plaats van bij geschreven! Ben nu al een maand aan het kloten met karwei om dit weer recht te zetten.
Heb vandaag hetzelfde gehad bij IKEA! Pinterminal gaf bij retourpinnen de foutmelding 'Storing betaal anders'. Uiteindelijk contactloos geprobeerd met mijn telefoon (NFC) en toen lukte het. Geld bleek echter afgeschreven te zijn, terwijl de retourbon een retour pintransactie aangeeft!
Hi bunqers π
We've looked further into the reported issues and we're happy to tell you this has now been fixed! You can simply get your money back by inserting or tapping the card at the payment terminal at the merchant again π This is also known as Retourpinnen in The Netherlands.
If you're still experiencing any issues do let us know through the private support chat in the app under Profile > Menu > Get Private Support
Cheers! π
Hi Bunq, we hebben dit net geprobeerd maar dit werkt niet (bij Praxis). Kunnen jullie ons helpen?
@Leah-Teal-Shark#221296 If you're experiencing issues with Retourpinnen, make sure to contact the private support chat by going to the [Profile] tab > [Menu] π > [Get Private Support].
Inmiddels ook met Praxis en Bunq in conclaaf omdat retourpinnen met mijn Travelcard geen bedrag op mijn rekening heeft opgeleverd. Jammer, wellicht toch de andere bank maar niet opzeggenβ¦
Werkt niet, blijf errors krijgen en bunq blijft zeggen dat het niet mogelijk. Dit is echt wel een beetje een tegenvaller van de altijd voorop lopende bunq
@Maria-Teal-Jaguar#222017 Hi there π
We've reported this again to the respective team so they can check this further and fix it for you. As soon as we have an update we'll let you know π
For now I wish you a nice day ahead π
Yesterday I had trouble at Decathlon when returning an item. The transaction failed. I contacted private support, and I got told that I should ask them to return it to my IBAN. That is not an acceptable solution to me when I'm in line at Decathlon. This should simply work.
Was at IKEA today, and could 'retourpinnen' didn't work. The transaction kept on failing unfortunately, so it seems that this issue hasn't been resolved yet.
Hello, major issues for me too. I'm a personal stylist and return items regularly to stores. I'm fairly new to Bunq and was denied in store returns all day yesterday. I was told by Bunq customer support that I must contact stores directly and provide my IBAN so they can do the refund that way. This to me is ridiculous, if I pay in store I expect a refund in store through chip and pin like all other banks! This is going to take me hours to sort, often customer support from high street stores take days to respond to a call or email. Really really disappointing...Bunq you should have made this clear to customers
I checked and there's still no update but we've asked the Product team to let us know as soon as there's new information, so we can let you know right away. Thank you for your understanding and patience on the matter π