Let me start of by saying that this is not really a bug. It's more of a feature that is causing unexpected bug-like problems.
Bunq put in place a limit on the amount of information that users can export. When you click on a transfer, you can see in the menu that "Share/Export" button to get a PDF with the transaction details,
Users can only get 100 of these PDFs each month. This is fine for most users, but I have done over 100 transfers in the last 7 days already, and I can't see a simple transaction-statement-PDF for my transfers anymore.
I believe this limitation is arbitrary. There is no real need/necessity for this limitation to exist.
I can understand that Bunq doesn't want a user to fetch the same PDF 1000 times, but if I person over 100 bank transfers a month, that person should be able to get a transaction statement for every single transfer the person does.
I have tried to deal with this through support, but was told that "it is what it is", and that "Bunq would/could take this as a suggestion".
To me this is unacceptable. This basically means that nobody cares.
I need this to be treated as a bug, as it is having unexpected consequences.
I for example can't keep using the bank account, if I can't see something simple like a statement for a transaction I made.
My suggestion is that the limit be removed altogether, or that the limit is changed to the sum of "100 + (amount of transfers done in the month)". This way everyone can always access all their statements, no matter how many bank transfers they do.