Hi Bunqers!

How cool would it be to have a second option to choose as a design for your debit mastercard. A lot of modern banks (ahum.. N26, Revolut) have a super cool option for their premium users; metal cards. Why not for us bunqers 🌈? I think that a metal card brings a lot of style to users. You make a perfect impression when you're using it and it feels great to have one πŸ’Ž.

I've made two different design options for a metal bunq card. One with a light color, that I personally love. And also one with a black finish. The letters are off course in all the great bunq colors.

Spread the love and let me know what you think!

    Hey @MartijnNooijen#35018 πŸ‘‹

    New/more card designs are a hot topic on Together, and I truly believe bunq is listening to all the feedback. πŸ’ͺ

    It’s truly great to see a lot of creativity on Together 🌈, and like a stated before the card could use something so they are distinguishable between the multiple bunq cards in your wallet.

    But to be honest, I personally don’t see a benefit with metal debit cards. πŸ’³

    Have a nice evening πŸ‘

      Hi @MartijnNooijen πŸ‘‹,

      In addition to @WJanson, I remember a similar topic were Ali responded that bunq did looked into a metal card πŸ’³.

      I quote @ali "We looked at the metal passes a long time ago and decided not to do so. This is because the passes are so incredibly environmentally unfriendly that they do not suit us well. Moreover, there is still some hindrance in daily use (breakage, scratching, etc)." (original post was in Dutch).

      But, there is a workaround... I pay 99% of the time with my phone πŸ“±... so, I am paying already with a metal card if you think πŸ€” about it 😜.

      Nevertheless, I would love to have a card the famous bunq colors but with a more Premium feel. And you did a great job on the mockup πŸ‘

        @MartijnNooijen#35018 That mockup tho 😍😍

          Wow, the mockups looks very nice and premium! πŸ‘πŸ»
          I like the first one, with laser engraved text on de backside πŸ˜ƒ

            Even though it looks cool, it feels a lot like copying competition (N26). I’d be happier with a unique new thing like a bio plastic which is compostable (there are several industrial examples) pushing the sustainable bank concept. However the future is probably more and more paying with a smartphone so maybe investing in cards will not be so important in the long term.

              @MartijnNooijen#35018 Looking really sleek man πŸ˜ƒ Great work

                @marcozima#35041 Offcourse! If we had Apple Pay in NL ☹️. However bio-materials sounds great to me!

                  @Tijnie#35091 I am sure Pay will come to NL soon 🀞

                    @Tijnie#35091 Hi Thijnie, hmmmm a bio degradable card πŸ’³ sounds good! πŸ‘
                    There is already a Dutch bank who has them.

                      @JohnDo#35375 Yeah! Only if the look and feel is not the same as a normal plastic card :) (I’m personally not a fan of the card of the Dutch bank you’re talking about. Because you don’t see/feel a difference with a normal card)

                        @Bastiaan#35380 Actually, all normal bunq cards should be made by recycled plastic! Not only the upgraded card.. That’s why I thought this:
                        Option 1: the normal bunq card (made from bioplastic) 🌈🌿
                        Option 2: the upgrade version of the card (with a special design and great look and feel) πŸ’Ž

                          Wow, looks amazing! I'd gladly pay 3 x 9 euro to have all my cards replaced to this design (hint hint @bunq)

                            @Tijnie#35018 That is definitely cool stuff.

                              4 months later
                              Sander unlocked the discussion.

                                N26 en Revolut hebben al een tijdje een metal card optie en sinds een paar dagen is Curve toegevoegd aan het rijtje met metal cards.

                                Een metal card wordt door iedereen aangeboden als een premium optie. bunq heeft al het premiumpakket dus daar zouden mooi 2 metal cards in passen.

                                Graag duimpjes voor iedereen die metal cards als onderdeel van het premiumpakket wil.

                                  @Michiell#61152 Hey,
                                  it would be cool if you could comment in English if the original post is also in English :) there are bunqers in not just one country

                                    Mobile payment is coming! Don't care what the card looks like.