I did some crypto currency payouts from Binance exchange to my BUNQ account and I got a warning from BUNQ. They said that hat if I don't follow the rules (which I don't know) my account might be suspended. So I contacted support and they referred to chapter 40 of this document: https://www.bunq.com/assets/media/legal/en/20210610_terms_bunq_personal_EN.pdf .
Chapter 40 states that "As a bank, we are legally required to monitor the use of your account. If the use
of your account is not in line with its intended purpose and we decide that it falls
outside our risk appetite, we may decide to (immediately) close your account
without any liability or obligation for us."
So that leaves me with a lot of questions. Most importantly, what in god's name is the definition of "intended purpose". And has anyone experienced that BUNQ "may decide to (immediately) close your account without any liability or obligation for us." and would be willing to share what happened?
Any feedback, from BUNQ or BUNQ users, would be really appreciated!!