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  • ⚡️What’s new in App Update 19.10.0

⚡️What’s new in App Update 19.10.0

Hey bunqers! 🌈

We’ve rolled out a new update to our app that includes small new improvements and features that make life easy.


What’s new 🙌

You’re now able to cancel Easy Investments deposits that are still “pending” - meaning they haven’t reached our partner Birdee yet.

What’s fixed 🔨

The app crashed for some of you when scrolling through your payments in the Total tile. We’ve fixed that.

You couldn’t block a card that was still being shipped / not yet received by you. Now you can 💳


What’s fixed 🔨

Sometimes after opening an Easy Investments account you wouldn’t see an option to add money to it. We’ve fixed that.

When paying someone, you should have the option to choose the receiver from your contacts list. This list wouldn’t always be imported properly. It’s fixed now.

For these and other improvements, update your app today! 🏃‍♂️

Stay tuned for more updates in the coming weeks!

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