Hey bunqers 🌈
With bunq Update 20, we introduced Supertickets. Get immediate support, tailored to your questions, and help improve support for other users by rating our guides and sharing your feedback.
How does it work?
When you contact support, you’ll have a brand new flow which will help you find the answer to your question in just a few taps. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, you can contact our Support guides, who’ll assist you further 🚀
One of the improvements we implemented is the feedback form for your experience with Support. When you finish a conversation with a Support guide, you can now rate them, based on their assistance’s quality, clearance and accuracy;
For every feedback form you send, you’ll earn extra points to your Community profile - this will grant you a higher level, thus faster support when you need it 🪄
From now on, the guides who assist you will also rate their experience with you. These ratings can benefit your Community level and bring you faster support. See more about the new Community levels here;
Important note: We know that including Community involvement to the prioritisation of your support tickets can seem worrisome. Let us tell you where we come from 🙌
We've watched the bunq community grow and help one another, as well as bunq by giving us your unfiltered feedback and ideas. A lot of our Community members have taken the time to answer someone else’s question, start a conversation or find an issue’s resolution for themselves. So far, this has been done without reward or acknowledgement. bunq Update 20 set out to change that;
Moving forward we want to show you even more that we value your involvement with bunq, be it as a ticket rating, Together discussion or simple hi-five. We want to give back to those that give us their time and attention;
Keep in mind that the Community rank system is made to benefit your experience. This means that even if you're not active in our Community and have less points than others, your Support experience will be regular (as before). The prioritisation of SOS tickets remains the highest by default and we have no plans changing that either 💪
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