I'm New member I don't have experience with this Bank trying
Muhammad Nazir I wish you a warm welcome, if you have any questions, you can always post them here 👍🏻
Muhammad Nazir Veel plezier...als je hulp nodig hebt dan horen we het graag!
Markus Thanks
Hoe kan ik voor mijn partner een bank pas aanvragen
Karin If you have the 2 higher tier plans easy money or easy green you can have 3 physical cards. So you can add a second card on your home Tab and then give it to your partner.
Here’s the FAQ if you need further information:
Welcome! Enjoy your journey ✨
Hi Today I get my card
Muhammad Nazir Great! If you have any questions, let us know. Here is some information that might be useful for activating it: https://api.together.bunq.com/d/3985
Je gaat er geen spijt van hebben, eerlijk gezegd. Ik zit er al even en ben aangenaam verrast.