How do I get Ghana IBAN? I want to have a Ghana IBAN. Can anyone help me with this? Thanks
NSEKA Unfortunately, bunq doesn't support Ghanaian IBANs, only DE, ES, FR and NL.
NSEKA Hi! bunq is a Dutch bank so their main focus is in Europe and the EUR zone. They do offer a lot of local currency account - for example South African Rand, but it is not (yet) possible to get a non-European IBAN.
Thijs What about South Africa?
NSEKA Check my comment: bunq only has German, Spanish, French and Dutch IBANs.
NSEKA Any African countries?
NSEKA Bunq doesn't have IBANs for any African countries. But a Dutch IBAN, for example, works just fine in a different country.
Hello. Question. How long do I have to wait for the verification of the sent document so that I can use the account, transfer funds ..? 🤔
Kamiloqbc This can take anywhere between 5 minutes and ±8 days, depending on the readability of your picture of your identity card, the quality of your video, and the time it takes bunq employees to verify it all.
Kamiloqbc It depends on what system you use to transfer the money. Every system is different.
Daniel Thank you for answering my question the way I wanted. I hope I can count on you if I have any further questions. Thank you very much
NSEKA It was not a question about transferring money, but about verifying a new bunq account.