@New-Fuchsia-Octopus-3209349369#253850 The solution is included inside the error message: you have to contact support. They can be reached via email to support@bunq.com. This thread here gives you the explanation surrounding the error and therefore should answer your questions as to why this error occurs, but of course as this is the community forum and we're only bunq users just like yourself, we cannot solve the issue for you.
You're not supposed to create and login with a new account, but you have to use the personal account credentials that you created when originally signing up for bunq. You indicated in the other post that you created that you don't remember them. In this case, only support can help you retrieve your old account's credentials (and close the new one that you opened).
And keep in mind this upcoming requirement was communicated through several channels and directly through email already last year. Make sure you keep all your bunq credentials (personal & business), up-to-date at all times, that way you will always be kept in the loop and have ample time to prepare for any potential product changes.